
48 | nisam bila deo protokola, nisam obraćala pažnju na dogovore dok nisam čula kako Peter viče: „Ja dolazim samo ako Jelena bude tu.“ Razumela sam da nisam imala izbora. Eto, kako tada, tako i danas. Ali vratimo se Šveđanima i Akademiji. I ovde lobiranje postoji kao i za sve ostale prestižne nagrade sveta, mislim pre svega na Oskara. Priznajem da nisam bila posrednik, a volela bih. Zapravo jedina osoba koju sam poznavala s Akademije bila je Katarina Frostenson jer sam planirala da igram jednu njenu monodramu. Jednom smo se srele i razgovarale. Ne stigosmo da završimo razgovor, kad ona prošle godine bi smenjena, i to ne tako slavno. I uopšte, celaAkademija je postala sporna dok i sama nije prestala s radom prošle godine (i to dokazuje snagu Švedske da prizna poraz, preispita se, sačeka i krene novim snagama). Mene je život u Švedskoj naučio da treba da budemo srećni što imamobar jednog jugoslovenskog, srpskog nobelovca, Ivu Andrića 1961, i to zahvaljujući ženi Ingmara Bergmana, Gunvor Gun Bergman (u braku s rediteljem između 1952. i 1959), doktorki filozofije i slovenskih jezika. Neki nemaju ni to! Nobelova nagrada nije lokalni događaj, već globalni. Kao što Handke odavno nije lokalni evropski pisac i pripada svetu. Tako borba za slobodu i sopstveno mišljenje vraća Šveđane kući. Tako „božjom promišlju“ ili piščevim„božjimdarom“ ispadoše iz koloseka utabanog popularnom kulturom i politikom. Švedska je ovomodlukomvratila svoj lik, a Akademija osnovno poštovanje suštinskih vrednosti – slobode stvaranja koja uključuje individualnost autora u pohodu do istine, toliko potrebne svima nama. Ono što je najvažnije, pokazala je da ima hrabrost i snagu identičnu veličini pisca kojeg su nagradili. Što se mene tiče – ponovo je rođena. I još nešto, za mene lično, kao glumici i producentu, Oskar je nagrada o kojoj sanjam, ali ako kažemo da je scenario osnova svakog filma u pisanoj formi, onda je Nobelova nagrada dobro poređenje. PeterHandke je dobio nagradu koja je dokaz postojanja dobre literature, osnove za dobre filmove. Lično sam je doživela kao sopstvenog Oskara, a zemlju u kojoj živim sopstvenom zemljom. Respect to the Nobel Academy! Love Sweden’, I wrote on social media as soon as I heard the news that Peter Handke had received the most prestigious award for literature. Someone later commented on my account: ‘Love toHandke’. But he and those he loves and respects don’t need love, they found that long ago. Handke may need physical protection at the award ceremony itself, given the experience during the awarding of the Ibsen Award in Oslo several years ago. But his literature is su ciently powerful, so he has long since forged his shield from truth, love and a libertarian spirit that transcends the boundaries of the local. And of course that hurts all those who seek themselves where they are not. However, Handke is needed by Sweden and Handke is needed by the world. On the same day that the news of the Nobel Prize was announced, IheardfrommyhistorianfriendMilošKović,whoasked me:WhathashappenedtotheSwedes?’Caughtoutbythequestion, I answered:‘Look, for somewonders there arenoexplanations. That’s the Swedes’. And since then I’ve been in the embrace of some strange joy; Iwalkwithasmile fornoreasonandconsiderhowit all happened, orwhathappened?Likethunder fromaclear skyoraray of sunshine in themiddle of the night.Wherewas the breaking point - for theawardtogotoa“politicalmis t”andotherwise ingenious author, and for that to happen right in Sweden?What courage was found among the greatest scholars of literature in the world, to say that there is actually an emperor dressed in his own literary sanctuary, among the naked ones parading! LikeanauthenticSwede, Ibegantoformulateananswer to that question, although I knewit intuitively, because Iwas close tothesourceof information, I live inStockholmandmonitor the pulse of movement of the city and country. My head has been taught for the last 20 years that the door to the Nobel Prize is closed toHandke speci cally, becausehehadanunhappy love and sought forbidden truth, which only causes him to su er. And thenamiraclehappened.That this decisionwouldbe rubbishedwithsomuch forcewas as clear asday, becausesuch are the times we live in. It was also clear to Peter. Handke himselfdeclinedtocometoSweden,bothprivatelyandprofessionally. That was also tough for me, because we couldn’t continue the cooperation we started long ago. It was back in 2006 that Stockholm’s Teater Tribunalen was preparing the play O ending the Audience. Via my colleague Joaquin Nabi Olsson, with whomI’dperformedat theDramaten (Sweden’s Royal DramaticTheatre inStockholm), Idiscoveredthat theywerestagingthe play.When he spoke about rehearsals it was as though he was talkingabout sometheatrical plot,which I foundcute.Hedidn’t believethatwekneweachother.The theatreattempted, ahead the premiere, to establish contact with the author, but without success, because they knew that Handke didn’t want to come to Stockholm. I then explained to my colleague, and later to Jelena Mila i Peter Handke u Beogradu 1996. Jelena Mila and Peter Handke in Belgrade, 1996