
| 103 Isprva planirani kao dva nezavisna „komšijska“ murala, radovi u Ulici Mike Alasa, čije su autorke Tijana Tripković i Barbara Dimić iz studija Kriška i umetnik čiji su radovi beogradskoj publici poznati po potpisu Super Timor, u procesu nastanka srasli su u neočekivanu celinu. Vizuelno nežna ilustratorska poetika protkana snažnim društvenoangažovanim porukama, koja karakteriše Tijanin i Barbarin rad, neočekivano lako srasla je sa Timorovim spontanim, grafički vrlo svedenim zidnim „doskočicama“, koje funkcionišu kao mape atmosfere prostora u kojem nastaju, kreirajući potpuno novo i magično „parče teritorije“ koje posmatrača odmah uvlači svojom nepretencioznošću i utiskom da ivice zidova nikako ne mogu biti granice tog bestežinskog, jednostavnog sveta. Under the auspices of the Festival of Reconstruction, an important anniversary for Belgrade’s independent art scene was celebrated – 20 years since the rst collective, public drawing of gra ti, which took place in the yard of King Petar I Primary School. To mark this occasion, in the same place, under the recognisable label “United Colours of Belgrade” of Belgrade-based art collective“Paint Kartel”, 15 newworks were created through the combined e orts of around 20 artists and art collectives from the country, the region and further a eld. By combining authors with di erent approaches to street art – from pioneers of the domestic scene who returned to drawing after a break of many years, via active gra ti artists, to muralists with various visual poetics - Belgrade received an impressive and signi cant collective work on a wall covering a length of nearly 50 metres, which will serve as a further incentive for all artists wanting to show their creativity in a public space. The participants included: Nikola Radojčić - Brothers Burazeri and Sub Zero (Serbia), Petar Popović – Piros (Serbia), Akira (Serbia), Weedzor (Serbia), Mosk (Croatia), Xymo and Rule (Serbia), Deroks (Serbia) , Branko Tešević - Rage (Serbia), Sensi (Serbia), Easy (Serbia), Japon (Spain), Skirl (Austria), Das Drogen (Serbia), Nikola Mihajlović (Serbia) and the winner of the competition for young muralists – Jobah . KRIŠKAUMIKE ALASA KRIŠKAATMIKE ALASA 34 RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OFTHE CITY Initially planned as two independent“neighbouring”murals, theworks onMike Alasa Street – authored jointly byTijanaTripković and Barbara Dimić, fromstudio“Kriška”, and an artist whoseworks are known to the Belgrade public under the signature‘Super Timor’– merged during the creation process to forman unexpectedwhole. Visually delicate illustrative poetics intertwinedwith powerful socially-engagedmessages, which characterisesTijana and Barbara’s work, mergedwith unexpected easewithTimor’s spontaneous, extremely graphically reductionist wall“funny interventions”that function asmaps of the atmosphere of the space inwhich they emerge, creating a completely newandmagical“piece of territory”that immediately draws the observer inwith its unpretentiousness and the impression that the edges of thewalls can in noway represent the boundaries of this weightless, simpleworld.