90 | Od 2016. godine petoro mladih ljudi je u posebnoj misiji, a ona nije nemoguća i glasi „Nemaš izgovor, obiđi Srbiju“. Sve je krenulo od njihove želje da bolje upoznaju sopstvenu zemlju družeći se usput, a koliko su u tome uspeli, govori i to da su postali autoriteti na polju domaćeg turizma Five young people have been on a special mission since 2016. It’s not an impossible one, and it states - no excuse, visit Serbia. Everything began from their desire to better acquaint themselves with their own country and to socialise along the way, and testifying to the extent to which they succeeded is the fact that they’ve become an authority in the field of domestic tourism SJAJNA PETORKA IZA BLOGA TRIPPINSRBIJA AWESOME FIVESOME BEHIND THE BLOG TRIPPINSRBIJA NEMAŠ IZGOVOR, OBIĐI SRBIJU NO EXCUSE, VISIT SERBIA