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šta vam je na umu

/ what’s on your mind

Bio je parsonifikacija renesansnog ideala, univer-

zalnog čoveka i umetnika. Bio je naučnik, napisao je

prve tekstove o geometriji i ljudskim proporcijama

na nemačkom jeziku. Posvećen razumu i iskustvu,

istovremno je bio posvećen tradicionalnim pitanjima

smisla i svrhe umetnosti i umetnika.

Od 1512. godine počeo je da radi na dvoru Hab-

zburgovaca. Maksimilijan I, car Svetog rimskog

carstva (vladao 1493–1519), izdejstvovao je od vlasti

grada Nirnberga posebne olakšice za svog dvorskog

slikara i postao njegov glavni pokrovitelj.

Direr je za Maksimilijana izradio „Trijumfalnu

povorku“, koja je trebalo da slavi uspehe cara i uspehe

habzburške dinastije. „Trijumfalnu povorku“, koja je

bila izložena u Beogradu, čini više od 130 drvoreza,

a uz Direrove sadrži i drvoreze Hansa Burgmajera,

Albrehta Altdorfera i Hansa Špringinklea.

Na izložbi su prikazana Direrova dela koja petsto

godina predstavljaju vrhunac grafičkog umeća: „Ot-

krovenje“, „Život Bogorodičin“, „Stradanja Hristova“,

kao i jedna od najslavnijih grafika u istoriji – „Vitez,

smrt i đavo“. A tu je i, neverovatni, živopisni, „Noso-

rog“, pred kojim se na izložbi posetioci zaustavljaju

sa posebnim zanimanjem. Neki istoričari umetnosti

navode da nijedan prikaz životinje nije imao tolikog

uticaja na kasnije umetnike kao taj Direrov.


ometry and human propor-

tions. Dedicated to reason and

experience, he was simultaneous-

ly dedicated to traditional issues

regarding the point and purpose

of art and artists.

In 1512 he began work at the

court of the Habsburgs. Maxi-

milian I, Holy Roman Emperor

(reigned 1493-1519), managed to

gain special incentives from the

authorities of the City of Nurem-

berg for his court painter and

became his main benefactor.

Dürer created the “Trium-

phal procession” for Maximil-

ian, which was intended to

celebrate the successes of the

Emperor and the achievements

of the Habsburg dynasty. The

“Triumphal Procession”, which

was exhibited in Belgrade,

represents more than 130 wood-

cuts, while alongside Dürer’s

works are engravings by Hans

Burgkmair, Albrecht Altdorfer

and Hans Springinklee.

The exhibition presents

Dürer’s works that have repre-

sented the pinnacle of printmak-

ing artistry for five hundred years:

“Apocalypse”, “The Life of the

Virgin”, “Ecce Homo – The Pas-

sion of Christ”, as well as one of

the most famous graphic prints in

history – “Knight, Death and the

Devil”. There is also the amazing,

colourful “Rhinoceros”, which

exhibition visitors stop in front of

with particular interest. Some art

historians suggest that no other

depiction of an animal has had

such an influence on later artists

as Dürer’s.

Sala pod svodovima, nesvakidašnji galerijski prostor Konaka

kneginje Ljubice


Hall under the arches, the exquisite gallery

space of the Residence of Princess Ljubica