
Wine » Vino | 83 Lekari preporučuju da svaki dan popijete čašu vina uz ručak ili večeru, ali upozoravaju da ne smete preterati. Zato naučite da uživate u svakomgutljaju Doctors recommend a daily glass of wine with lunch or dinner, but warn that we mustn’t overdo it. That’s why you should learn to enjoy every sip WI NE E T I QUE T T E Everything you need to knowabout the drink of the gods If we know how to select wine, does that inevitably mean that we know how to drink it like genuine connoisseurs? FOTO: Depositphotos WINE ETIQUETTE, REPRESENTINGASOMEWHATANACHRONISTIC SET OF (un)written principles for enjoying a good drop of real sun-kissed grapes, includes a series of postulates that aren’t so familiar to thegeneral public–but that should be. Not because of form, but because of incomparablehedonism! So,whywouldn’twechangethatwith one call of “Cheers!” – here we present to you seven golden rules that will make drinking a glass of intoxicating wine even more enjoyable. 1. For starters, wine bottles are always placed on the table prior to the start of lunch or dinner. White wineshouldbeservedchilled andred at roomtemperature.When served, white wines should have a temperature of between 11 and 14 degrees, while reds should be served at between 16 and 22 degrees - with this lower limit applying to young wines la laganija crna vina. Uz sireve sjajno idu slađa bela vina, dok uz one intenzivnog ukusa jača bela vina. Sirevi blagog ukusa mogu se lepo družiti s crnim vinima. Ako ste za glavno jelo planirali belu ribu i plodovemora – poslužite umereno jakabelavina. Paste sumacimana crveno (mesni) zahtevaju crna vina, a s belim umacima i sirom srednje jaka bela vina. Pica se gušta uz lagana mlada crna vina. and the higher limit to older ones. Champagne should stand on ice – heat causesexcessivecarbondioxide, which can cause the cork to pop out of the bottle under pressure. That’s why champagne requires a special ice bucket. 2.Whenopeningabottle,we remove only the part of the foil covering the cork, wiping that part with a napkin. A corkscrew is then used to carefully remove the cork from the bottleneck, without using excessive force, twisting andyanking, because the wine is alive and doesn’t like beingbangedaround.Wesmell thecork, whichmustn’t smell of anythingother thanthewineorcork.Afterremovingthecork,wipetheneckof thebottle with a napkin, then pour a little wine into a special glass to rinse the neck of the bottle from the inside. 3. Red wines are served in large glasses that have apronouncedbowl andnarrowtowardsthetop,withthis shape preserving the aroma that develops faster in red wine. White and roséwinesareservedinsimilarglasses that are slightly smaller andnarrower,withlesspronouncednarrowingin theupperpart,whilesparklingwines areservedinverytall,narrowglasses. 4.Whenpouringwine intoglasses, turn the bottle so that the label is facing upwards and is thus visible, and be careful not to rest the bottle on the glass.Themost important thing when serving red and white wine: never fill the glass to the top, but onlyhalfway, or two thirds at the most, because wine in a full glass is unable to release its aroma. 5. Hold awine glass by the stem orbasetoensurethat theheatofyour body doesn’t cause the temperature of thewine to increase, therebyaltering its taste.Thoseno longerwanting to drink will decline an offer with a slight handmovement or by pulling their glass closer to themselves. Covering a glasswith thehand is considered impolite. 6. Though you can always rely on the old rule that red meat and game are paired with red wines, and white meat and fish go best with white wines, or the completely new rulethatyoushouldrelyonlyonyour owntastebudsandassessment,more specific tips also exist. Lighter wines are served with appetisers. Stick to servingdrywhites, rosésor prosecco wineswith lighter starters, and lighter red wines with stronger, meatier appetisers. Sweeter white wines can be paired wonderfully with cheeses, while strongerwhitewines gobetter withcheeses thathaveanintenseflavour.Mildcheeses canbegood“company” forredwines. Ifyou’replanning a main course of white fish and seafood–servewithamediumstrength white wine. Pasta with red sauces (meaty) requires red wines, while pasta with white sauces and cheese is best with medium strength white wines. Pizza is nibbled with light, young red wines.