
Powerful women» Moćne žene| 61 Isidora Sekulić (1877–1958) književnica Isidora Sekulić je bila prva žena akademik u Srbiji. Kao diplomiranamatematičarka i doktorka filozofije, srpsku istoriju zadužila je književnim radom. Uporednu književnost studirala je s prekidima u Londonu, Parizu i Berlinu, a doktorirala je na filozofiji uNemačkoj 1922. godine. Bila je nastavnicamatematike, upraviteljkaDevojačke škole u Pančevu, a zatimu Beogradu profesorka do penzije. Govorila je šest svetskih jezika i bila je prva žena namestu predsednika Udruženja književnika. Posle kritikeMilovanaĐilasa, reagujući na nju, spalila je rukopis svoje još neobjavljene knjige oNjegošu, a kasnije, pred smrt, i sve ostale započete radove i privatnu prepisku, zbog čega je veliki deo njene zaostavštine pod velomtajne. ISIDORASEKULIĆ (1877-1958)WRITER Isidora Sekulićwas the first woman academic in Serbia. As a graduatemathematician and doctor of philosophy, Serbian history is indebted to her for her literarywork. She engaged in comparative literature studies, with interruptions, in London, Paris and Berlin, receiving her doctorate in philosophy inGermany in 1922. Shewas amathematics teacher, administrator of theGirls’ School in Pančevo, then a professor in Belgrade until her retirement. She spoke six world languages andwas the first woman to serve as president of the Association ofWriters of Serbia. In response to criticismof her work byMilovanĐilas, she burnt themanuscript of her unpublished book about Njegoš, then later – just prior to her death – she did the samewith all other unfinishedworks and private correspondences, which is why a large part of her legacy is shrouded in secrecy. Soja Jovanović (1922–2002) rediteljka Ova Beograđanka, čiji je deda-stric bio čuveni slikar Paja Jovanović, završila je francuskuosnovnu i srednjuškoluuBeogradu, istovremenopohađajućimuzičku školu, odsek za klavir. Prva je filmska, pozorišna i televizijska rediteljkauSrbiji. Priključilasepartizanskompokretuiskolegama je na Muzičkoj akademiji 1945. godine formirala teatar, a prvi zadatak u oslobođenom Beogradu bio joj je da napravi pozorišnu predstavu. Režirala je prvi dugometražni filmu boji ( PopĆira i pop Spira), za koji je dobila nagradu za režiju na Pulskom filmskom festivalu (1957).„Nemogućenepostoji,opravdanjanema“,biojenjenmoto,aBeogradjoj seodužiospomen-pločomnaugluNjegoševe i Maksima Gorkog na Vračaru. SOJA JOVANOVIĆ (1922-2002) DIRECTOR This Belgrade native, whose great-uncle was famous painter Paja Jovanović, completed her schoolingat theFrenchprimaryandsecondary schools in Belgrade, while at the same time attending the piano department of the music school. She was Serbia’s first female film, theatre and television director. She joined the Yugoslav Partisan movement and, together with colleagues from the Music Academy, formed a theatre in 1945, with the creation of a theatrical play being her first task in the newly liberated Belgrade. She directed the country’s first feature film to be made in colour (Priest Ćira and Priest Spira), for which she received the Best Director Award at the Pula Film Festival (1957). Her motto was “The impossibledoesn’texist,thereisnojustification”, andBelgraderepaidherwithamemorialplaque at the junction of the Vračar neighbourhood’s Njegoševa andMaksimGorki streets.