
114 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia ER SRBI JA INFO / AIR SERBIA INFO Andrej Delić, captain Andreja Delića, kapetana Tri pitanja za... Three questions for... Gde je najlepši početak proleća, posmatrano iz vaše ptičje perspektive? – U svojoj dugogodišnjoj pilotskoj karijeri nailazio samna predivne prizore koji sume fascinirali. Bilo je tudivnih planinskih vrhova, očaravajućih ravnica, vijugavih vodenih površina. Lepotu samna posebannačin doživeo posmatrajući prirodu sa visine, iz ptičje perspektive. Najlepši utisak su namene ostavili predeli Alpa, fascinirajući planinski venci, nepregledne zelene površine oivičene snežno-stenovitimregijama. Prolećesvemudaje boju i dodatnu lepotu. Imate li omiljenu pistu? – Ima standardnih, nestandardnih, karakterističnih pista i takvim ih čini okolina. Vizuelno su najupečatljivije piste na grčkim ostrvima. Uz samu obalu mora, među brdima na maloj visini avioni preleću more, plaže i turiste. Šta biste poručili onima koji se plaše letenja? – Letenje je čista ljubav, a činjenica je da je vazdušni prevoz najbezbedniji vid saobraćaja sa najmanjim procentom nesreća. Kada znaju činjenice, ljudi će lakše shvatiti susret sa visinama. U avionumogu imati mnogo komfora, prijatnihmomenata, prizora za pamćenje. Visoka bezbednost vazduhoplovnog saobraćaja svakog putnika treba da uveri da je najbolje putovati avionom. Where is the start of spring at its most beautiful, as observed from your “bird's eye” perspective? “During my long career as a pilot, I’ve found myself in beautiful scenes of nature that have fascinated me. There have been delightful mountain peaks, captivating plains, meandering waterways. I’ve experienced beauty in a special way by observing nature from the heights, from a bird's perspective. The most beautiful impression was left on me by the landscapes of the Alps, fascinating mountain ranges, never-ending areas of greenery bound by snowy-rocky regions. Spring gives colour and additional beauty to everything.” Do you have a favourite runway? “There are standard, nonstandard and distinctive runways, and they are rendered such by their surroundings. Visually, the most impressive runways are those of the Greek islands. Situated right beside the coast, between hills, planes fly at low altitudes over the sea, beaches and tourists.” What would you say to those who are scared of flying? “Flying is pure love, and it’s a fact that aviation is categorised as the safest form of transport and has the lowest percentage of accidents. Familiarity with the facts will make it easier for people to grasp encounters with the heights. Aboard a plane they can have a lot of comfort, pleasant moments, sights worth remembering. The high level of safety of aviation should convince every traveller that the best way to travel is by plane.” Najlepši utisak su namene ostavili predeli Alpa The most beautiful impression was left on me by the landscapes of the Alps