
Waterfalls » Voodopadi | 71 Vodopadi oduvek izazivaju divljenje i radoznalost. Voda koja traži svoj put i izbija na najnepristupačnijimmestima oduvek je mamila istraživače, ali i sve ljubitelje prirode Waterfalls have since time immemorial drawn admiration and curiosity. Water that seeks its own way and bursts to the surface in themost inaccessible places has always enticed explorers, but also all nature lovers Vodopad se nalazi 10 kilometara od Negotina, na stenovitomuzvišenju istočnog dela planine Deli Jovan / This waterfall is located 10 km fromNegotin, on a rocky rise on the eastern part of Deli Jovan Mountain MOKRANJSKE STENE AND TWOEXQUISITE LAKES Near the village of Mokranje, the river Sikolska winds its way towards the river Timok through the gentle hills of the Negotin Frontier region to forma beautiful waterfall and a picturesque lake beneath it. Shimmering in the upper part of the river’s course is another lake that’s significantly deeper than the lower one. Both are rich in fish. TheMokranje Rocks have fortified brick and stone walls that date back to Roman times, while it is assumed that a bridge connected the two largest rocks during that time. It is also believed that a cave exists beneath the rocks andwas used as a hiding place by hajduk bandits. I dva prelepa jezera U blizini sela Mokranje Sikolska je reka krčeći put do Timoka kroz pitoma brda Negotinske krajine stvorila divan vodopad i ispod njega živopisno jezero. U gornjem delu toka reke iskri se jos jedno jezerce, znatno dublje od donjeg. Oba su bogata ribom. Na Mokranjskim stenama ima zidina od opeke i kamena iz vremena Rimljana, a pretpostavlja se da u njihovo vreme most spajao dve najveće stene. Takođe se veruje da ispod stena postoji pećina u kojoj su se nekada skrivali hajduci. FOTO: MILANMAKSOVIĆ/ISTOCK