
64 | Ženeva » Geneva ŽENEVA / GENEVA 2 3 Jet d’Eau U centru grada, gde Rona nastavlja svoj put ka Francuskoj, nalazi se La Rade. Na kraju dugog mola stoji spomenik poznat širom sveta. Ako želite detaljnije da pogledate, pripazite jer je vodoskok osetljiv na vetar, pa možete i da pokisnete. Mlaz je na današnjemmestu od 1951. godine i prvobitno je imao važnu praktičnu upotrebu: od 1886. je bio ventil za ispuštanje vazduha i viška vode iz mini-centrale, ali je kasnije posao zaštitini znak grada. Katedrala Svetog Petra Stvari su mnogo starije iza neoklasične fasade, koja je novijeg datuma, jer arhitekturom zapravo datira iz 12. veka. Od 1541. godine ovo je bila matična crkva Džona Kalvina, a njegova lična stolica izgleda kao da je upravo ustao sa nje. Katedrala je izgrađena iznad mnogo starijih zgrada, među kojima je i bazilika iz 4. veka. Ovaj i razni drevni ostaci mogu se istražiti pod zemljom na arheološkom nalazištu. Ova katedrala je protestantsko svetilište, s čijih se tornjeva pruža pogled na celu Ženevu. Nalazi se na uzvišenom delu u centru grada, do koje možete doći iz jedne od najpoznatijih ulica, kojom prolaze tramvaji i gde se nalaze sve najpoznatije svetske trgovine. Ulaz u katedralu je besplatan, a za nezaboravan pogled sa tornjeva treba platiti. U katedrali možete da vidite velike orgulje, visoke stropove, mozaike, grob i spomenik vojvode Rohana Chapela, kao i vrata iz 15. veka. JET D’EAU In the centre of the city, where the Rhône continues on its course towards France, is La Rade (The Roadstead). It is here, at the end of a long jetty, that a much-imitated monument known the world over is located. If you want to get a closer look, take care not to get wet when the wind blows, as the plume is susceptible to the wind and you may get wet. This water jet, which has been in its present location since 1951, originally had an important practical use: it was established in 1886 as a safety valve for the city’s hydraulic power plant, but became a permanent monument because the city’s residents loved the way it looked. ST PIERRECATHEDRAL Beyond the recent Neoclassical facade of this cathedral, things aremuch older – with architecture dating back to the 12th century. It became the adopted home church of Protestant Reformation leader John Calvin in 1541, and his personal chair looks like he was just sitting on it. The cathedral was constructed on top of much older buildings, including a basilica dating back to the 4th century. An archaeological site allows you to explore this and a variety of ancient vestiges. The towers of this Protestant cathedral provide views that overlook the whole of Geneva. Located on an elevated part of the city centre, it can be reached via one of the most famous streets, which is traversed by trams and provides the location for shops of all the world’smost famous brands. Entrance to the cathedral is free of charge, but you’ll have to pay if you want to experience the unforgettable views from the towers. Within the cathedral you can also see a large organ, high vaulted ceilings, mosaics, the tomb andmonument of the Duke of Rohan and amedieval door dating back to the 15th century. Vodoskok izbacuje pet stotina litara vode u sekundi na visinu od 140 metara The Geneva Water Fountain, Jet d’Eau, propels five hundred litres of water per second to a height of 140 metres Ženevska katedrala jedna je od onih verskih građevina kojima treba posvetiti koliko god vremena možete da priuštite Geneva Cathedral is one of those religious buildings that needs as much time as you can set aside