
/ čak su me angažovali za kampanju – kaže kroz smeh. Kako se uopšte privatno oblači neko ko živi modu? Da li dolazi do prezasićenja ili je u svakom trenutku tip-top? Pitamo Denisa kako izgleda njegov modni život u „civilu“… –Drugačije nego na revijama, naravno. Pokušavamdagarderobomistaknem karakter. Sa jedne strane biram jednostavne modele, ali uvek imam neki jači detalj ili komad. Volimda budemprimećen. Akobihbašmoraodadefinišemsvoj stil, to bi bilo modno, ali nikad pomodno. Ne prilagođavam se modi, već nju oblikujem prema sebi. Stil i jeste način na koji sami pakujemo komade. Za kraj ga molimo da otkrije neke male tajne svog uspeha. Ima li poseban pristup kad ide na kasting ili je sreća presudna… – Trudim se da budem svoj i siguran u sebe jer ne mogu da utičem na to šta neki kreator želi. Mogu samo da se predstavimu najboljemsvetlu. Ponekad je potrebno i malo sreće, ali najbitnije je da budete uporni, da ste svesni da ste dobri i da ne odustajete. Eto, i ja sam na reviju Dolče & Gabana upao iz trećeg pokušaja. won’t be shown at all if any kind of problememerges, or if the creator isn’t satis ed withanydetails,”revealsDenis, adding that it’s di cult todescribe the adrenaline rush prior to emerging on the stage. “Iwaswearingamodel thatwasactuallya costume for a carpenter, and I emerged on the runway a little confused and fairly elated, pausedandpickedup thehammer that was part of the costume. They didn’t nd fault with me, and even engaged me for thecampaign,”hesays throughlaughter. Andhowdoessomeonewholivesfashiondress inprivate?Do theybecomeoversaturated or are they tip-top at all times? We ask Denis what his “civilian” fashion life looks like… “Di erent to the shows, of course. I try to use my wardrobe to highlight my character. On the one hand, I choose simple designs, but I always have a stronger detail or piece. I like to be noticed. If I really had to de ne my style, that would be fashionablebut never trendy. I don’t adapt to fashion, but rather shape it to suit myself. And style is thewaywe package pieces ourselves.” And to concludewe ask him to reveal someof the littlesecretsofhissuccess.Does he have a special approachwhenhe turns up for casting or is luck decisive… “I try to be myself and certain of myself, because I can’t in uence what some designerwants. I canonlypresentmyself in thebest light. A little luck is alsosometimes required, but the most important thing is to be persistent, to be aware that you are good and to not give up. And that’s that, even I made it to aDolce &Gabbana show at the third attempt. Domenico is present at every show from the beginning to the end. That means spending all day backstage, checking every detail Domeniko je prisutan od početka do kraja svake revije. To znači da ceo dan provede u bekstejdžu proveravajući svaki detalj