
| 5 Mart je za stare Rimljane bio prvi mesec i slavljen je kao početak nove godine. Vođeni simbolikom novih početaka i buđenja prolećne energije, sigurni smo da ste i vi spremni da zajedno raširimo krila ka novim horizontima, destinacijama i pobedama. Iako poslovanje avio-kompanija u regionu odlikuje visoka sezonalnost, odnosno znatno veća popunjenost putničke kabine u periodu od maja do septembra u odnosu na ostatak godine, Er Srbija još od završetka poslednje letnje sezone beleži snažan rast broja putnika i tokom ostalih meseci. Prošle godine uveli smo čak 23 nove destinacije i pored matičnog aerodroma u Beogradu počeli sa letovima iz još dve vazdušne luke u Srbiji. Premda bi sve navedeno bilo izuzetan poduhvat i za mnogo veće kompanije od Er Srbije, posebno smo ponosni što smo i pored toga uspeli i da povećamo prosečnu popunjenost naših putničkih kabina. Radujemo se užurbanoj letnjoj sezoni koja se bliži, kao i novim počecima koji su pred nama. Sa velikim zadovoljstvom delimo sa vama vest da ćemo od 1. juna leteti za Ženevu tri puta nedeljno, gradeći savršenu vezu između Beograda i svetske prestonice satova, luksuza i mira. Najbolje od svega jeste činjenica da ćete od ovog leta za samo dva sata moći da uživate u spektakularnom pogledu na najviši vrh Alpa i bajkovito Ženevsko jezero sa gejzirom. Od 4. juna približićemo vam i egzotiku jordanske prestonice Amana, pa će se uzbudljivi biblijski grad, četiri puta nedeljno, nalaziti na nepuna tri sata vremenske udaljenosti. Već narednog dana povezaćemo vas sa još dve zanimljive destinacije, nepravedno skrajnute na turističkim mapama – Lavovom, Parizom Istoka na zapadu Ukrajine, i Rostovom na Donu, vratima Kavkaza na jugoistoku Rusije. Sigurni smo da će zaljubljenike u umetnička i gastronomska remek-dela najviše obradovati vest da će od 6. juna, dva puta nedeljno, za samo sat i po vremena moći da uživaju u Firenci, biseru Toskane i kolevci renesanse. I za kraj – od 7. juna vas četiri puta nedeljno direktno spajamo sa Kišinjevom, prestonicom Moldavije sa gostoljubivim meštanima i najvećim vinskim podrumom na svetu. Kao što ste primetili, trudimo se i da vas što češće iznenadimo lepim promotivnim akcijama. Nastavljamo tako i u narednom periodu da bismo vam približili destinacije o kojima ste oduvek maštali, porodicu i prijatelje koji žive daleko od vas ili poslovne saradnike u drugim vremenskim zonama. Verujemo u izreku da vas putovanja prvo ostave bez reči, a zatim pretvore u pripovedača i zato vas pozivamo da ispišete nove priče na stranicama pasoša. Radujemo se užurbanoj letnjoj sezoni koja se bliži, kao i novim počecima koji su pred nama Dear passengers, . MART MARCH For Ancient Romans, March was the rst month and it was celebrated as the beginning of the new year. Inspired by the symbolismof new beginnings and the awakening of spring energy, we are certain that you too are ready to together spread our wings toward new horizons, destinations and victories. Even though the operations of airlines in the region are characterised by a high level of seasonality, i.e. signi cantly greater passenger load in the period fromMay to September, compared to the rest of the year, Air Serbia had a strong growth in passenger numbers ever since the end of the last summer season, even in other months. During the previous year we have introduced as many as 23 new destinations, and, in addition to the home airport in Belgrade, startedoperating ights fromtwomore airports inSerbia. Even though all of the abovewouldbe anexceptional accomplishment even for companies much bigger than Air Serbia, we are especially proud that we also increased the average cabin load factor. We look forward to the busy summer season, which is approaching, aswell as to thenew beginnings ahead of us. It isourgreatpleasuretosharewithyou that wewill be operating ights toGeneva three times aweek as of 1st June, buildinga perfect connectionbetweenBelgrade and the world capital of watches, luxury and peace. The best of all is the fact that this ight, which only takes two hours, will allow you to enjoy a spectacular view of the highestAlpinepeakandthewondrous lake Genevawith its geyser. Starting from4th June, wewill also enable you to experience the exoticness of the Jordanian capital, Amman, so this excitingbiblical city will be less than three hours away and available four times a week. As early as the next day, we will connect you with two more exciting destinations, which were unjustly ignored on tourist maps – Lviv, “Paris of the East”, which is in western Ukraine, and Rostov on Don, “Gates to the Caucasus” in southeast Russia. We are certain that fans of artistic and culinary pleasures will be the happiest to learn that, as of 6th June, two times aweek, for just anhour and a half, they will be able to enjoy Florence, the pearl of Tuscany and the cradle of the renaissance. Finally, starting on 7th June, four times a week, we will be connecting you directly to Chișinău, the capital of Moldova, with its hospitable residents and the biggest wine cellar in the world. As you have noticed, we are trying to surprise you with nice promotional campaigns as often as possible. We will continue to do so in the coming period, in order to bring you closer to the destinations you always dreamed about, friends and family who live far from you, or business partners in other time zones. We believe in the saying that travelling rst leaves you speechless, and then turns you into a storyteller, so we invite you to write new stories on the pages of your passport. Welookforwardtothe busysummerseason, whichisapproaching, aswellastothenew beginningsahead ofus Uživajte u letu i srećan put! Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija Enjoy your ight and happy travels! Sincerely yours, Air Serbia Dragi putnici,