
18 | TRENUTAK / FLASH London Čuvena trka na Temzi Svake godine se više od 400 posada na reci Temzi takmiči u tradicionalnoj veslačkoj trci, koja se održava još od 1926. godine, kada je u trci učestvovala 21 posada. Trka će ove godine biti u subotu, 21. marta, i na obalama reke okupiće brojne ljubitelje veslanja i turiste, koji svake godine svedoče jednoj od najstarijih sportskih tradicija u istoriji grada. Ljudi se utrkuju kako bi imali što bolji pogled na trku, koji je najbolji sa mostova Čizvik i Barns. London Famous race on the Thames More than 400 crews compete each year in a traditional rowing race held on the River Thames that has been taking place since as far back as 1926, when 21 crews participated in the race. This year’s Head of the River Race will take place on Saturday 21st March and will see countless rowing enthusiasts and tourists come together on the banks of the river, who gather each year to witness one of the oldest sporting traditions in the city’s history. People race to get the best view of the race, which is best seen from the Chiswick and Barnes bridges. Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za London Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to London / Duncan Grove / Alamy Kopenhagen Uskoro besplatno voće širom grada Stanovnici, ali i turisti, u glavnom gradu Danske uskoro će moći da jedu jabuke, kupine i šljive besplatno. Naime, Kopenhagen počinje sadnju stabala voća u parkovima, na igralištima, u blizini škola i na ostalim javnim površinama, pa će voće svako moći da ubere s drveta kad poželi. Cilj ove inovativne ideje jeste poboljšanje opšteg zdravlja građana, kao i želja da deca nauče da žive u skladu s prirodom jer nemaju sve porodice baštu. Copenhagen Free fruit coming soon city-wide Both residents and tourists of the Danish capital will soon be able to eat apples, blackberries and plums for free. Specifically, Copenhagen is starting to plant fruit trees in parks and playgrounds, near schools and in other public areas, enabling anyone to pick fruit from trees whenever they want. The aim of this innovative idea is to improve the general health of citizens, as well as being prompted by a desire to teach children to live in harmony with nature, because not all families have a garden. Er Srbija leti 4 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Kopenhagen Air Serbia flies 4 times a week fromBelgrade to Copenhagen / John Peter / Alamy Berlin Muzej budućnosti Skulpture koje ožive od dodira i zvuka, leteći automobili, roboti, 3D štampači, kuhinja budućnosti, interakcija sa mašinama, sve je to moguće videti i isprobati u Futurijumu, berlinskom muzeju posvećenom životu u budućnosti. Muzej je napravljen s ciljem da pozove posetioce da se uključe u budućnost i odigraju ulogu u njenom oblikovanju, a ne da samo posmatraju kako se odvija pred njihovim očima. Radno vreme muzeja je od 10 do 18 h, osim utorkom, kada je zatvoren za posetioce. Berlin Museum of the future Sculptures that “come to life”with a touch or sound, ying cars, robots, 3D printers, the kitchen of the future, interaction with machines - all of this can be seen and tried at the Futurium, the Berlin museum dedicated to presenting life of the future. The museum has been designed with the aim of inviting visitors to engage in the future and play a role in shaping it, rather than just watching it unfold in front of their eyes. The museum is open from 10am to 6pm every day except Tuesdays, when it is closed to visitors. Er Srbija leti 6 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Berlin Air Serbia flies 6 times a week from Belgrade to Berlin / Odd ANDERSEN / AFP