
| 105 The forested park of Košutnjak, a former hunting grounds of the Belgrade elite, is a true haven for runners in the Serbian capital. Located around six kilometres from the city centre, in Košutnjak you can enjoy fresh air, which is an increasingly rare privilege in the city, while their are excellent advantages for exercising. There is a 1.2-kilometreTartan running track and several outdoor gyms, all of which serve the nearby University of Belgrade School of Physical Education and Sport. The track distance may seem short for those seeking longer, more challenging runs, but worry not: many alternative paths and trails branch o from this main track, all of which o er creative uphill and downhill courses that enable you to get lost in wonderful nature. Možda najlepša staza u Beogradu vodi vas iz male marine na Dunavu pored Dubrovačke ulice i prati obalu reke sve do Brankovog mosta. Dok trčite, možete da se divite belim zidinama Kalemegdanske tvrđave i da uživate u predivnom pogledu na Zemun. Oni koji žele da pretrče veću kilometražu mogu da nastave niz Savu sve do Ade Ciganlije, još četiri kilometra. Perhaps the most beautiful running track in Belgrade leads you from the small marina on the Danube near Dubrovačka Street and follows the riverbank all the way to Branko’s Bridge. While running you can admire the white walls of Kalemegdan Fortress, but also enjoy the beautiful view of Zemun. Those wanting to run further can continue following the Sava for another four kilometres, all the way to Ada Ciganlija lakeside resort. Nekadašnje lovište beogradske elite, park Košutnjak je pravi raj za trkače u prestonici. Oko šest kilometara udaljen od centra grada, Košutnjak vam omogućava da uživate u svežem vazduhu, što je retka privilegija u velikom gradu, a ima i odlične uslove za vežbanje. Postoji staza od tartana duga 1,2 kilometra i nekoliko teretana na otvorenom. Ovo može izgledati kao kratka distanca za one koji traže veću kilometražu, ali ne brinite. Mnogo je staza i puteva koji se odvajaju od glavne staze i koji nude kreativne mogućnosti, uzbrdo i nizbrdo, na kojima možete da se izgubite u divnoj prirodi. RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OFTHE CITY ODDONJEGDORĆOLA DOBRANKOVOGMOSTA RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OFTHE CITY KOŠUTNJAK KOŠUTNJAK LOWER DORĆOL TO BRANKO’S BRIDGE 3 km asfalt/ asphalt 1,2km tartan