
| 109 - I rarelyspeak toStochelo, but I believe I’llseehimattheupcomingFestival.Ofcourse I miss the Kings of Strings, and I’d like us to get together again, at least for one concert. Tommy also admitted to me that he misses our company. Yourpreviousalbum,MotherTongue, actuallyreturnedyoutosimplicity,but alsotoyourroots. Istheregoodmusic thatexiststodayinMacedonia,Serbia and the Balkans generally? - At rst glance, simple things appear to be the toughest. I accepted a risk with that album and managed to ll halls with justoneguitar.Try for yourself andyou’ll see how simple that is... Yes, great music exists. Don’t let itworryyou if youdon’thearor see itonTV.Anewgenerationofpop-rockmusicianshas emerged inMacedonia that isdoing very interesting things. And jazz musiciansarealreadyorganisingthemselveswell andevenformingtheirownbigbands. And we neednot evenmention theMK Philharmonic,whichhasanewhallandhasexpanded its repertoire with many contemporary music trends and happenings. You’vesaidthattheBeatlestaughtyou everything. Do you still think there’s no bettermusic than that which they played? - If youmean in terms of pop and rock music, theycreatedsomuchthat,afterthem, JUBILEE TH GUITAR ART FESTIVAL FROM TH TO TH MARCH IN BELGRADE The jubilee 20th consecutive Guitar Art Festival will be held from12th to 17th March 2019 in Belgrade, under the slogan‘Applause!’Over the two decades of its existence, this festival hasn’t only succeeded inmaintaining continuity and expanding inmultiple directions, but this year has also compiled a spectacular list of guests. During the six days of the festival, ninemajor concerts will be held, and Belgradewill be visited by over 120 of themost prominent names in the guitar world from35 countries.The concert of Vicente Amigo, theworld’s best amenco guitarist and the authentic successor of Paco de Lucia, opens the festival on 12th March. Also presenting themselves to the Belgrade audiencewill be Brazilian virtuosoYamandu Costa, the Bratislava Guitar Quartet and Greece’s Costas Cotsiolis, Sweden’s Duo Abreu Sisters, American Benjamin Verdery, Korea’s Jeseok Bang, AustrianMarcoTamayo, Spain’s Anabel Montesinos, Russian ArtyomDervoed, Italy’s Giampaolo Bandini, Belgian Raphaella Smits, Germany’sThomas Müller-Pering andmany others. Also performingwill be the RosenbergTrio from the Netherlands, with a new festival production and the project Kings of StringsTheYounger, while preforming for the Belgrade public for the rst timewill be Carminho, the Queen of Fadomusic of the newgeneration, and the festival’s closing ceremony concert on 17th March has been reserved for an evening of Joaquin Rodrigo and amajor concert at IlijaMKolarac Endowment Hall. JUBILARNI . GITAR ART FESTIVAL OD . DO . MARTA U BEOGRADU Jubilarni, 20. Gitar art festival biće održan od 12. do 17. marta 2019. godine u Beogradu pod sloganom Applause! Festival je u dve deceniji postojanja uspeo ne samo da održi kontinuitet i da se proširi u više pravaca već ove godine postoji i spektakularna lista gostiju. Tokom šest festivalskih dana održaće se devet velikih koncerata, a Beograd će posetiti više od 120 najistaknutijih imena gitarskog sveta iz 35 zemalja sveta. Koncert Visenta Amiga, najboljeg svetskog flamenko gitariste i autentičnog naslednika Paka de Lusije, otvara Festival 12. marta. Publici će se predstaviti brazilski virtuoz Jamandu Kosta, Bratislava gitar kvartet i Kosta Kociolis iz Grčke, Duo Abreu iz Švedske, Bendžamin Verderi iz SAD, Jeseok Bang iz Koreje, Marko Tamajo iz Austrije i Anabela Montesinos iz Španije, Artjom Dervoed iz Rusije, Đampaolo Bandini iz Italije, Rafaela Smits iz Belgije, te Tomas Miler Pering iz Nemačke i mnogi drugi. Natupiće i Rosenberg trio iz Holandije, uz novu festivalsku produkciju i projekat Kings of String The Younger , prvi put publici će se predstaviti Karminjo, kraljica fado muzike nove generacije, a svečano zatvaranje festivala 17. marta rezervisano je za veče Hoakina Rodriga i veliki koncert u Zadužbini Ilije M. Kolarca. it’s impossibletobenew, innovative, inspiredand creative. Of course, I don’t mean to undermine anything that came before and after them, but that amount of creativityand inspiration insuch a short periodof time is a cosmic phenomenon. Their songbookstandsbesideanarmchair inmy living room, as a reminder. Who do you rate as the world’s best guitarist? - The best guitarist in the world is that little 10-year-old boywhose nose is stuck to thewindow display of the instrument shop and who yearns to receive some instrument he’s seen. Yearning and passion make you the best. And those who act like they have greatness, they no longerhaveany juice, theysqueezedthemselves dry longago, ghtingwiththeworld,withshow business, privateproblemsandpersonal vanity... Last, but by nomeans least: Prilep, Skopje, Kruševo... If you were to invite guests to these cities, what would you say; why should they come? - For years I’vebeen invitinga friendofmine from Slovenia to visit Macedonia. He was in Tibet, in London, inThailand, in America, in India, in search of music and spiritual growth. But if London is ametropolis of worldpopmusic, and New York is the centre for modern jazz, Macedonia could be the best place to discover the best traditionsofBalkanmusic,withduerespect given to themusic of all nations andmusic performed around here. But you can’t speak about magic, it must be felt, and here there’s an overabundance of that...