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R i tam Srbi je / Rhythm of Serbia MANASTIR KRUŠEDOL Jedan od najpoznatijihmanastira Fruške gore je Krušedol, kako zbogduge istorije, tako i zbog izuzetne arhitekture, ali i moštiju koje se tu nalaze. Naime, ovde počivaju despot ĐorđeBranković, patrijarhArsenije Treći Čarnojević, kneginja LjubicaObrenović i kralj MilanObrenović. Sobziromna to da ovaj manastir uDrugomsvetskomratu nije pretrpeo velika fizička oštećenja, u njemumožete videti freske iz 18. veka, kao i ikonostas čiji delovi potiču iz 16, 17. i 18. veka. Manastirska crkva je posvećena praznikuBlagoveštenjaBogorodice (7. april), amanastir se nalazi u jugoistočnom delu Fruške gore, u pitomoj dolini. Manastir Krušedol je zadužbina porodice Branković, podigao ga je vladikaMaksimBranković između 1509. i 1516. godine, a kompleks čine crkva i četvorostrani konaci u ograđenomparku. KRUŠEDOLMONASTERY One of FruškaGora’s best-knownmonasteries is Krušedol, both due to its long history and its exceptional architecture, but also the relics located there. Specifically, this is the final resting place of Despot Đorđe Branković, PatriarchArsenije III Čarnojević, Princess LjubicaObrenović and KingMilanObrenović. Here, thanks to thismonastery having been spared major physical damage duringWorld War II, you can see frescoes dating back to the 18th century, aswell as an iconostasiswith parts fromthe 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Themonastery is located in a shallowvalley in the south-eastern part of FruškaGora. Its church is dedicated to the holiday of theAnnunciation to the BlessedVirginMary (7th April). Krušedol Monastery is part of the legacy of the Branković family. Built at the behest of BishopMaksimBranković between 1509and 1516, the complex consists of a church and lodgings forming a quadrangular cloister enclosurewithin a fenced park. MANASTIR RAKOVAC Legenda kaže da jeRakaMilošević, veliki komornik despota JovanaBrankovića, na ovommestu postavio temelje zdanja, a prvi zapisi omanastiru datiraju iz doba pod Turcima, koji su napravili popis stanovništva uSremu da bi ubirali porez. Zanimljivo je da se umanastiru tokomDrugog svetskog rata nalazila partizanska štamparija, što suNemci „nagradili“ teškimoštećenjemcrkve i konaka, te rušenjemzvonika. Crkva je posvećenaSvetimvračima Kuzmanu i Damjanu (14. jul), a nalazi se na severnimobroncima Fruške gore. RAKOVACMONASTERY Legend has it that oneRakaMilošević, chief chamberlain of Despot Jovan Branković, laid the foundations of the building on this site, while the oldest records of themonastery date back to the period of Ottoman rule, when the Turks conducted a census inSremto collect taxes. One interesting fact is that thismonastery housed a Partisan printing house duringWorldWar II, which the Germans “rewarded” by severely damaging the church and dormitory, aswell as demolishing the belltower. Located on FruškaGora’s northern slopes, its church is dedicated to theHolyHealersCosmas andDamian (14th July). T he monast e r i es of F rušk a Gor a Vojvodina's holy mountain preserves the spirit and soul of Serbia Fruška Gora is dubbed the Serbian Athos because it was once home to as many as 35monasteries, and to this day as many as 17 of those that date back to medieval times, as well as two built during the more recent history, continue to be preserved For nature lovers, Fruška Gora is the most precious decoration adorning Vojvodina’s lowland plain. Rich in arable fields, orchards and vineyards, its slopes are covered in dense deciduous forests above 300m/asl. Its northern side descends to the restless currents of the Danube, while its forests and valleys preserve precious historical monuments. The area of today’s FruškaGora National Park has been a spiritual centre of Serbia for centuries, but also a cradle of Serbian literacy, education, culture and art. A tour of this areawill transport youback through timeandallowyoutobetteracquaint yourself with the history of Serbia. If youare interested in thehistoryof spirituality andmonasteries, Fruška Gora is a “must see” destination. It is interesting to note that all of FruškaGora’smonasteries are locatedwithin an area 50km long and 10kmwide. All of these sacral buildings are worth visiting, and touring theirmonastery complexes will evokea specificperiodofhistoryand tell you a unique story of one of the toughest periods for the Serbiannation, the period of Ottoman rule. It was actually Turkish invasion that caused the Serbian people to flee to these northern regions and led to a large number of monasteries being built in this area. Most of them were built during the 16th century, while individual churches and monasteries that were only completed in the 18th century represent an interesting combination of contrasting architectural styles. The Fruška Gora monasteries belong to the Eparchy (Diocese) of Srem, which was founded in the year 1500 and was headed at the time by themonkMaksim, formerly Serbian despot and archbishop Đorđe Branković, whose legacy includes Krušedol Monastery (which he founded togetherwithhismother Angelina), and Staro and Novo Hopovo monasteries. Each Fruška Gora monastery represents an outstanding cultural treasure, and the frescoes, but also the monasteries and church buildings themselves, present pictures of different historical periods and construction styles, fromSerbian-Byzantine to the Baroque style. The walls of many of these houses of worship are adorned with artworks authored by Serbia’s greatest Baroque painters of the period. Alongside the abundance of spiritual riches, visiting a monastery on Fruška Gora will also reveal scenery that will take your breath away, as will the beautiful deciduous forests surrounding themonastery estates. Indulge in the beautiful scenery, wines and local culinary specialities. Touring Fruška Gora monasterieswill undoubtedly leave you one incredible experience richer. Here we present to you just a few of the gems of Fruška Gora… Foto: Profimedia.rs / Igor Markov / Alamy Foto: Depositphotos / Slavica Stajic Foto: Depositphotos Fruška gora » Fruška gora 82 | Fruška gora » Fruška gora