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Intervju / Intervi ew Serija » Series | 25 24 | Serija » Series me što uvek bira prave lokacije za snimanje. Retko snimamo u studiju. Smatramda prava lokacija daje posebnu i specifičnu vizuelnu notu. Teškoanimacijomili veštačkom scenografijommožete da dočarate pravi duh zemlje u kojoj se odvija radnja. Mi nikada nismo radili tako. Jedna od ranijih sezona snimljena je u Portoriku. U Srbiji se baš pogodilo da su se svi naši zahtevi poklopili. Uz originalnu scenografiju dobili smo i kvalitetan kreativni tim, što nam je mnogo značilo sa profesionalne strane. Ima mnogo sličnih serija, po čemu se to Mornarički specijalci razlikuju? – Čini mi se baš po tompristupu iz prve ruke. Ovo je ratna akcija i u prvom planu je vojska. Međutim, akcenat nije toliko na akcionim scenama, koliko na isticanju pravog smisla vojničkog života. Duha vojske. Pri osmišljavanju epizoda ništa nismo prepustili slučaju. Kao konsultante imali smo prave vojne veterane. Oni su mi mnogo pomogli da nekim detaljima dampriči na verodostojnosti. Zanimljivo je da u seriji nosim šlem jednog od tih veterana. Bez obzira na to što je mnogo teži od kacige koja se koristi na setu, ne bi mi palo na pamet da je zamenim. Upravo pomoću takvih sitnica držimnegde na pameti šta dugujemo ljudima koji odlaze u borbu kako bismo mi ostali spavali mirno. Koji je bio najveći izazov sa kojim ste se susreli u seriji? – To je definitivno izazov kako da samsebi kao glumcu budem reditelj. Reč je o veoma zahtevnoj dužnosti. Potrebna je ogromna disciplina i samokontrola da sami sebi ne date otkaz. (smeh) Za glumce je specifično to da umeju da budu pomalo tvrdoglavi i uvek se trude da kameru prilagode sebi i svojoj ideji. Rediteljski posao i rediteljski zahtevi, međutim, mnogo su jednostavniji. Jedino što reditelj traži jeste dobar kadar. Ništa drugo ga ne zanima. Umeo sam da se posvađam sam nim serijama. Posle 30 godina kako vam danas izgledaju ti prvi koraci? – Čini mi se da su na početku bili veoma nespretni i trapavi. Kao neko geganje sa kamena na kamen, dok nisamdošao na sigurno tlo i pokucao na prava vrata. Bafi je bila moja velika ulaznica u svet televizije, ali mnogo vremena je prošlo dok mi se nije ukazala ta prilika. Nekima se dogodi ranije, a ima i glumaca koji svoje životne uloge ostvare gotovo pred kraj karijere. Kada je o meni reč, našao sam se u pravo vreme na pravom mestu. I danas ništa ne bih menjao. U životu sam uvek igrao na sigurno. Rad i posvećenost se uvek isplate. Sve ostalo je kockanje. Dav i d Bor eana z , actor I can’t wait to return to Serbia We first met him as the handsome “vampire with a soul” who loved Buffy, then fell in love with him as charming FBI agent Seeley Booth in the series Bones, only to discover that he’d also fallen in love while shooting his latest series, SEAL Team, and that he’d actually fallen in love with Belgrade! Slayer, or for his work on the series Bones, but only his truly adoring fans know that his first role was in the series Married... with Children, and that he appeared in the music video for British singer Dido’s song White Flag. Oneof themost engagedpeople on television, he’s an actor and producer whose projects roll out continuously, one after another, with him standing both in front of and behind the camera…Following the endof shooting after awhopping12 seasons of the showBones, he dedicated himself to CBS Television’s military drama series SEAL Team, in which he is both the lead actor and executive producer. This show serialises the professional and personal lives of the most elite unit of the Navy SEALS, showing precisely what these special forces do, and we actually sawfirst-handwhat they do when they took over Belgrade city centre for the needs of shooting, flying a helicopter lowandoverturning several cars as they caused general commotion across the city. They also “arrested” some of our local actors, though we’ll only watch that happen in the third season. What do you remember about your time spent filming in Serbia for the third season of SEAL Team? - I mostly remember that I still want to go back to Serbia. We were welcomedbywonderful people,who were genuinely happy about us working in their country. As I’malso the producer of this series, it was a great challenge forme towork both behind and in front of the camera over the course of 16 days. I nonetheless managed to devote every free moment I had to familiarising myself with Belgrade and walking its streets. After many years, I also saw a Yugo car. You probably already know that story: that make was the first car I owned, whichmy parents bought me to drive myself to school. One day, during filming in Belgrade, I stumbled across a Yugo and was thrilled to discover that those cars still exist. Will Belgrade represent some other city or is the story really set in Serbia? - The start of the season, the first two episodes, really take place in Belgrade, or in Serbia. In accordance with the screenplay, we work together with domestic special forces to tackle a terrorist threat that’s carrying out activities that could destabilise the entire world. Weworkedwith a lot of local actors. The filmshoot conditionswere phenomenal, there are fewplaceswhere we encounter such good and creative experts.We really felt totally relaxed and ready for work at any instant. When it comes to the season itself, those first two episodes are the most explosive and intriguing, and they’re an introduction to the next two episodes, which were also shot in Serbia, but for themBelgrade portrays Paris. Did you manage to uncover We can almost conclude that we’ve been watching DavidBoreanazonour TV screens for at least two decades. He’s best known to most as Angel from the show Buffy the Vampire sa sobom, ali na kraju bismo nas dvojicauveknekakopronašli kompromis. Mada je bilo ekstremnih situacija. Recimo, uvek insistiram na originalnoj vojnoj opremi koja teži i po nekoliko desetina kilograma. U tim trenucima reditelj u meni kaže: „Dejvide, skini to sa sebe i obuci scensku garderobu, slomićeš kičmu i kolena. Međutim, onaj drugi, glumac, odmah ućutka ovog prvog i šapnemi: „Samo nastavi, nisi slabić“. Nažalost, tada je, ipak, reditelj bio u pravu. Posle deset koraka sapleo sam se, uganuo zglob i umalo iščašio oba kolena. Od tada takve scene ipak prepuštam statistima. Igrom slučaja vašu karijeru smo u Srbiji ispratili gotovo u svim prethodUspeo samda svaki slobodan trenutak posvetimupoznavanju Beograda i šetnjama njegovim ulicama / I managed to devote every free moment I had to familiarising myself with Belgrade and walking its streets Dejvida smo prethodno upoznali u popularnoj seriji Bafi, ubica vampira i kao šarmantnog FBI agenta u seriji Kosti We previously met David in the popular series Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and as a charming FBI agent in the series Bones Foto: Profimedia.rs / CBS / Planet Foto: Profimedia.rs / 20thCentFox Collection / Everett Foto: Profimedia.rs / 20thCentFox Collection / Everett