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Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 125 124 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Servisne informacije Service information www.airserbia.com Bezbednost naših putnika i posade nam je prioritet. Pridržavamo se svih propisanih mera kako bismo vam omogućili bezbedan let. Er Srbija je u saradnji sa nadležnim zdravstvenim institucijama uvela niz mera u cilju unapređenja bezbednosti i higijene kako bi osigurala zdravlje i bezbednost putnika i posade tokom putovanja. Savetujemo da uvek pratite opšte preporuke nadležnih zdravstvenih institucija i upoznate se sa propisima za ulazak u zemlju u koju putujete. Za dodatne informacije posetite www.airserbia.com. The safety of our passengers and staff is our highest priority. We are taking all possible measures to enable you to fly safely with us. Air Serbia has implemented a series of safety and hygiene measures, in collaboration with the health authorities and regulators, to ensure the safety and well-being of our passengers and crewwhile travelling. We recommend that you always follow the general recommendations set by health authorities and get familiar with entry regulations of your destination country. For more information please visit www.airserbia.com. These simple exercises will help to relieve the tiredness and stiffness associated with flying. Ove jednostavne vežbe pomoći će da se smanje umor i ukočenost koji se javljaju prilikom letenja. • Budite u toku sa najnovijim savetima i informacijama o putovanjima na www.airserbia.com. • Napravili smo neke promene kako bismo bili sigurni da je naša usluga sigurna i sa što je moguce manje kontakta. • Naši avioni u floti erbasa opremljeni su HEPA vazdušnim filterima, koji neutrališu 99 odsto mikroba u vazduhu. • Svakodnevno obavljamo temeljnu dezinfekciju naših vazduhoplova. • Naš tim u svakom trenutku nosi maske za lice i ličnu zaštitnu opremu. • Uveli smo dodatno čišćenje i dezinfekciju na svakoj tački vašeg putovanja. Morate redovno nositi masku za lice i prati ruke. • Rezervišite karte putem interneta. • Stay up to date with the latest travel advice and information at www. airserbia.com. • We’ve made some changes on board to make sure that our service is safe and as contactless as possible. • Our aircraft in our Airbus fleet are equipped with HEPA air filters which capture 99% of airborne microbes. • We carry out thorough disinfection of our aircraft on a daily basis. • Our teamwill wear face masks and personal protective equipment at all times. • We’ve introduced additional deep cleaning and sanitisation at every point of your journey. You must wear a face mask whilst you travel and wash your hands at regular intervals. • Book your tickets online vežbe tokom leta Putujte bezbedno Travel safe IN-FLIGHT EXERCISES PREPORUKE I INFORMACIJE RECOMMENDATIONS AND INFORMATION SEDITE USPRAVNO • Postavite jastuk iza lea. • Sedite uspravno na sedištu da biste izbegli sabijanje kičme. • Nemojte da prekrštate noge. Umesto toga, pokušajte da sedite sa ravnomerno raspoređenom težinom. SIT UP STRAIGHT • Place a pillow at the hollow of the back. • Sit up straight in the seat to avoid compressing the spine. • Do not cross the legs. Instead, try to sit with weight evenly balanced. KRUŽITE STOPALOM • Sedite uspravno na sedištu, stavite jastuk pod butinu, iznad kolena. • Rasporedite težinu ravnomerno, pa kružite podignutim stopalom pazeci da vam pri tom cela noga bude što mirnija. ANKLE CIRCLES • Sit up straight in the seat and place a pillow under the thigh, just above the knee. • Keep weight even and move the foot in a circular motion, keeping the leg as still as possible. KRUŽITE RAMENIMA • Sedite uspravno i nagnite se napred na sedištu. • Približite ramena ušima, pa ih kružnim pokretom unazad spustite. • Ponovite vežbu u suprotnom smeru podižu i ramena prema ušima i spuštajući ih u početni položaj. SHOULDER CIRCLES • Sit up straight and move forward in the seat. • Bring the shoulders up towards the ears, then circle back downwards. • Repeat the exercise by lifting the shoulders towards the ears before lowering in the opposite direction. KRUŽITE VRATOM • Udobno se smestite na sedištu i ispravite naslon za glavu. • Nežno i polako kružite vratomna jednu stranu, zatimga vratite na drugu stranu. • Pokušajte da zadnji deo vrata sve vreme držite pravo. NECK ROLLS • Sit back in the seat and flatten the headrest. • Gently and slowly roll the neck to one side, then back through the centre towards the other side. • Try to keep the back of the neck fully extended. U avion možete besplatno da unesete komad ručnog prtljaga, za koji je važno da ne prelazi dozvoljenu težinu i dimenzije. You can carry a piece of hand luggage aboard the plane free of charge, though it is important that this item does not exceed the permitted weight and dimensions. Ručni prtljag Hand luggage 8 kg 8 kg 8 kg Na let možete da unesete još jedan dodatni mali komad prtljaga ili predmet koji može da se smesti ispod sedišta iza kojeg sedite. You can carry aboard the plane an additional small piece of luggage, or an item that can be stored under the seat behind you. DODATNI RUČNI PRTLJAG Additional hand luggage 4 kg ... Jaknu ili kaput, sklopiva invalidska kolica, ortopedska pomagala, kolica ili nosiljku za bebu, hranu i piće za bebu, kao i štap za hodanje. ... a jacket or coat, folding wheelchair, orthopaedic aids, a baby stroller or carrier, baby food and drink, as well as a walking stick. TAKOĐE MOŽETE DA UNESETE I... You can also bring aboard... Obavezna maska na svim letovima / Obligatory masks aboard all flights Svakodnevna dezinfekcija aviona / Daily disinfecting of aircraft Hepa filteri za čist vazduh / HEPA filters for clean air