
94 | Gedžeti » Gadgets Lajfstajl Lifestyle GEDŽE T I / GADGE TS Visoka elegancija u službi tehnologije / High elegance at the service of technology Gedžeti više nisu samo hi-tech saveznici već su i simboli dizajnerske slobode s ciljem da svaki detalj života bude skladan i savremen / Gadgets are no longer just high-tech allies, rather they also symbolise the freedom of designers’ aimed at making every detail of life harmonious and modern Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Braun x Virgil Abloh Wandalange audio-sistem Kako bi u punom sjaju proslavili jubilej brenda, u Braunu su za kampanju 100 godina dobrog dizajna odabrali nesvakidašnjeg saradnika. Reč je o jednom od najcenjenijih modnih magova u ovom trenutku, dizajneru Virgilu Ablohu. Virgilova kolaboracija bazirana je na reinvenciji Braunovog klasika, audio-sistema iz 1965. poznatog kao Wandanlage. Zajedno sa Braunovim timom eksperata, Virgil je vizualizovao delo funkcionalne umetnosti u metalik obradi. Verzija za 2021. je manifestacija svih modnih i muzičkih uticaja sa kojima je poznati kreator odrastao, a s obzirom na to da, paralelno sa modom, radi kao di-džej. Ovo je pravi primer šta se može kada se hi-tech pasiji doda lajfstajl pedigre. BRAUNX VIRGIL ABLOHWANDALANGE STEREO SYSTEM In order for this brand’s jubilee to celebrate its full brilliance, Braun chose an unusual collaborator for its “100 years of good design” campaign, in the form of designer Virgil Abloh, one of the highest rated contemporary fashion magicians. The collaboration with Virgil is based on the reinvention of Braun’s classic 1965 hi-fi audio system known as TheWandanlage. Together with Braun’s team of experts, Virgil visualised a work of “functional art” with metallic treatment. The 2021 version represents a manifestation of all the fashion and music influences with which this famous designer grew up, and considering that he engages in DJ work in parallel with fashion, this is a genuine example of what can be achieved when high-tech passion is supplemented with a lifestyle pedigree.