
Serbia » Srbija | 81 Šesta sezona popularne emisije o preživljavanju počela je da se prikazuje na kanalu National Geographic / The sixth season of his popular survival show has started being aired on the National Geographic channel FOTO: Ben Simms 5 The entire Balkan region is comprised of nations that are very proud and have a very well-developed sense of patriotism and love for their homelands. It is wonderful to be surrounded by people whose nations have such a long and rich history. Alongside natural beauty, Serbia’s greatest wealth are its history and tradition. Novak Đoković Novak Đoković je po mom mišljenju jedan od najboljih tenisera i sportista svih vremena. Voleo bih da dođem u Novakovu Srbiju i da sa njim snimim jednu epizodu serijala U divljini sa Berom Grilsom. Osim njegovog urođenog instinkta za borbu i pobedu, kod Novaka cenim i njegovu veliku mentalnu snagu i duhovnu mudrost. Novak Đoković is, in my opinion, one of the all-time greatest tennis players and athletes. I would like to come to Novak’s Serbia and film an episode of the series “Running Wild with Bear Grylls” with him. Apart from his innate instinct for fighting and winning, I also value Novak’s great mental strength and spiritual wisdom. 5