
najverovatnije podigao kralj Uroš Prvi.Maglič još stoji, kakomu i ime kaže, među oblacimamagle, pa se ponekad čini da je grad ni na nebu ni na zemlji koji gordo pripoveda priču o junaštvu i sjaju srpskih vitezova. Na obronku planine Stolovi, 20 kilometara južno od Kraljeva, Maglič podseća na zamak iz bajke jer se nalazi na samom vrhu brda, na nadmorskoj visini od oko 150 metara, dok Ibar oko njega pravi okuku i opasava ga sa tri strane. Sa Serbia » Srbija | 77 Tik iznad reke Ibar, dvadeset kilometara južno od Kraljeva, monumentalno stoji Maglič, utvrđenje koje je podignuto za vreme vladavine kralja Uroša, najočuvanija srednjovekovna tvrđava Just above the river Ibar, twenty kilometres to the south of Kraljevo, stands the monumental castle of Maglič, which was built during the reign of King Uroš and is the country's best-preserved medieval fortress Tekst/Words: Nenad Božović Fotografije/Photography: iStock, Nenad Božović, MYST E R I OUS MAGL I Č TheSerbian Camelot, neither in the heavens nor on earth Serbia's best-preservedmedieval fortress, which was most probably built by King Uroš I, still stands, as its name suggests, among clouds of mist (magla) and proudly recounts the story of the heroismandmagnificence of Serbian knights. THEIBARGORGE, THEVALLEYOFSERBIANKINGS, theValleyof theAges, theValleyofLilacs, or simply the Ibar Valley, is not an ordinary valley, nor is the Ibar anordinary river. It is an area that has been crossed by Celtic tribes and Roman legions, conquerors from the Mongols andHuns to theOttomans, but it is only the Serbs that have stayed there forever. Every corner of this valley, every forest, inlet of the Ibar banks, every caveandwaterfall fromaspringhides a secret and a sign. Every stone has bore witness to knightly duels and great battles. That‘s because many things make the Valley of the Ages extraordinary and fairytale-like. From the murmuring of the Ibar‘s waterfalls, to the roar of its beech treesandthesilenceof itswhirlpools, through healing spa waters, forests filled with natural treasures etc. Themost beautiful image is perhaps the one of blooming lilacs in May that adorn the entire length of the IbarGorgewith their colour and fragrance, and these beautiful flowMaglič je podignut kao zamak jednog vlastelina i praktično je prvi dvorac koji je sagrađen na ovimprostorima Maglič was built as the castle of a nobleman and is practically the first castle to be built in these lands