
Serbia » Srbija | 59 Početkom 20. veka, Milutin Milankovic je bio ambiciozni matematičar i naučnik koji je težio da nađe problem koji treba rešiti – problem kosmičkih razmera. I u tome je uspeo! Ovaj inženjer, geofizičar, klimatolog i astronom osnivač je Katedre za nebesku mehaniku na Beogradskom univerzitetu, a zahvaljujući njemu danas znamo da na klimu utiču faktori iz svemira, pre svega Sunce. Po njemu su nazvani po jedan krater na Marsu i na Mesecu, a NASA ga je svrstala među 15 naučnika najzaslužnijih za razvoj nauke o Zemlji. Rođen u banatskom selu Idvor, Mihajlo Pupin emigrirao je u SAD 1874. godine. Imao je samo pet centi u džepu, a uspeo da postane jedan od najuticajnijih i najuspešnijih Srba na svetu. Bio je jedan od osnivača NASA, a svetsku slavu doneo mu je pronalazak nazvan Pupinovi kalemovi. Naime, 20 godina posle otkrića Aleksandra Bela patentirao je izum kojim je usavršio telefon i omogućio da danas razgovaramo s kraja na kraj sveta. Bio je to samo jedan od njegovih mnogobrojnih pronalazaka za koje je dobijao nagrade i priznanja. Postao je prvi Srbin kome je dodeljena Pulicerova nagrada. Milutin Milanković was an ambitious early 20th century mathematician and scientist who sought to find a problem that needed solving - a problemof cosmic proportions. And he succeeded! This engineer, geophysicist, climatologist and astronomer was the founder of the Department of Celestial Mechanics at the University of Belgrade, and it is thanks to him that we today know that the climate is influenced by factors fromouter space, primarily the Sun. One crater each on Mars and the Moon are named after him, while NASA has ranked himamong the 15 scientists worthy of themost praise for the development of Earth science. Born in the Banat village of Idvor, Mihajlo Pupin emigrated to the United States in 1874, with just five cents in his pocket, and succeeded in becoming one of the world’smost influential and successful Serbs. He was one of the founders of NASA, and he gainedworld fame with his invention called “Pupin coils”. Specifically, twenty years after Alexander GrahamBell’s discovery, Pupin patented this invention that perfected the telephone and led to us today being able to talk fromone end of the world to the other. This was just one of hismany inventions, for which he received awards and recognitions. He also became the first Serb to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize. Milanković Pupin Milutin Mihajlo PLANET FOTO: Wikipedia FOTO: Profimedia