
Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: promo/Srđan Ralić, iStock 10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Od svega sam u životu najviše volela da letim, a tako je i danas. Nikada neću zaboraviti trenutak kada sam prvi put ušla u avion, pomalo uplašena i puna neizvesnosti, ali u isto vreme i srećna. Jedva sam čekala da poletimo i to je taj trenutak koji i danas obožavam jer mi srce, kao i prvi put kada sam letela, zatreperi pred tom nestvarnom slikom sa malog prozora. Nestvarne slike sa malog prozora Na letu On board B I L JANA KRST I Ć, PEVAČ I CA 4 2 1 3 Of everything in my life, I've loved flying the most, and that remains the case today. I'll never forget the moment I first boarded a plane, slightly scared and filled with uncertainty, but also happy at the same time. I could barely wait for us to take off, and that's the moment that I still adore today, because, just like the first time I flew, my heart still trembles when I face that amazing picture from a small window. B I L J ANA KRST I Ć, S I NGE R Amazing picture froma small window Obavezno ponesem i neku knjigu koja će me opustiti i zabaviti. Knjiga Vidimo se u Kapkejk kafeu je odličan izbor jer je duhovita. It's also obligatory for me to carry a book that will relax and entertain me. Meet Me at the Cupcake Café is a great choice, because it's humorous Žvakaće gume ili bombone su na drugommestu i služe u istu svrhu kao i kapi za nos, za onaj trenutak kada imam osećaj začepljenih ušiju. Chewing gum or sweets come next, and they serve the same purpose as nasal drops, for that moment when I have the feeling that my ears are blocked Kapi za nos uvek nosim na let zbog promene pritiska pri poletanju i sletanju. I always carry nasal drops on a flight, due to the changes in pressure that occur during take-off and landing Ponesem i partituru ili neki miks pesama koje bi trebalo da naučim za nastup. To se najčešće dešava kada imam gostovanja bez Bistrika, pa imam dovoljno vremena da savladampesme koje će se izvoditi na koncertu. I also carry sheet music or some mix of songs that I need to learn for a performance. This most commonly happens when I have guest appearances without Bistrik [orchestra], so I have enough time to master the songs that will be performed at the concert.