
58 | / MALO O FUDBALU Pričati sa čovekom koji je već 30 godina posvetio fudbalu, a preskočiti aktuelne fudbalske teme, nije moguće. Maj je mesec Dejanovog najvećeg sportskog uspeha – osvajanja Lige šampiona. “Već devet godina prošlo je od te večeri u Madridu, a i dalje se kristalno jasno sećam svakog trenutka. Kruna karijere sa Interom! Za to je vredelo živeti, trenirati, trpeti, boriti se”. Za prethodnu sezonu u najkvalitetnijem fudbalskom takmičenju na planeti Deki kaže da je naročito važna jer je prekinuta vladavina Reala iz Madrida. – Prethodno su osvojili tri uzastopna trofeja, a onda je otišao Zinedin Zidan, što je dovelo do toga da kraljevski klub bude eliminisan već u osmini finala. Ali mene lično uvek raduje kad naši igrači imaju zapaženu ulogu u Ligi šampiona, a upravo je Realu presudio Dušan Tadić u svom Ajaksu. Za kraj, ali uvek najvažnije, Stanković ostavlja Crvenu zvezdu, tim koji je uspeo da se upiše u Ligu šampiona. – Melem za dušu svakog zvezdaša, naravno i za mene. Čekali smo i dočekali. Bilo je sjajno one noći velikog slavlja u Salcburgu posle pobede nad Red Bulom. O osećaju posle trijumfa nad Liverpulom da ne govorim. To ulazi u istoriju, to se pamti. Iskreno se nadam da je sve to samo dobar uvod u ono što će na Marakanu doći sledećih godina... A LITTLE ABOUT FOOTBALL When talking to a man who has dedicated 30 years of his life to football it is not possible to bypass current football happenings. May is the month of Dejan’s greatest sporting success - winning the UEFA Champions League. “It’s been nine years already since that evening in Madrid, and I still remember every instant with crystal clarity. The crown of my career with Inter! For that it was worth living, training, enduring, struggling”. Speaking about the last season in the world’s top football competition, Deki says that it was particularly important because it saw an end to the reign of Real Madrid. “They previously won three titles consecutively, then Zinedine Zidane left, which led to the royal club being eliminated at the last-16 stage. But I’m always personally pleased when our players have a notable role in the Champions League, and Real’s fate was actually decided by Dušan Tadić at his Ajax. Lastly, but always most importantly, Deki turns to Red Star, the team that managed to enrol in the Champions League? “A balm for the soul of every Red Star fan, and of course also for me. We waited and we welcomed. It was brilliant to have that night of great celebrations in Salzburg after the victory over Red Bull, and I won’t even mention the feeling after beating Liverpool. That has gone down in history; that will remain remembered. And I sincerely hope it’s all just a good prelude to what’s to come in the years ahead at “Marakana”. Dejan Stanković’s professional playing career lasted more than 15 years. He appeared in public as “Red Star’sWonder Kid”andbecame a professional at the tender age of 16 and a half. He was still a teenager when he relocated to Italy to become a resident of Rome and a player at Lazio, then later at Inter Milan. He also endured for a long time in the national team, playing 103 matches for his country, and today he’s there for some new kids… “I was lucky to experience football in di erent ways: as a kid who starts training and fantasises; as a professional footballer whose wishes have come true and whose dreams have become a reality. I decided to experience football again in the sincerest way – in the company of children. I want the ‘Deki 5’ camp to be among the more beautiful childhood experiences of the kids who decide to be our dear campers.” By simulating the working week of professional footballers, children have the opportunity to learn what Dejan Stanković’splayingdays looked like.Thechildren learn, competeand play,butcoachesalsoremindcampers inafunwayaboutessentialhealthcare issues,providinganswers to many questions: what is good and what should be xed in nutrition; the importanceofpsychologyinsport;howself-con- denceisacquiredandbuilt;howtoovercomenervousnessandthefearofmaking mistakes; why it is necessary to cultivate fairplayandrespectopponents;andmany other important sporting and life issues. It ispreciselyduetoDeki5thatStanković ies regularly with Air Serbia, which even named one of the aircraft in its Living Legends programme after him. The campisthisyearoperatingsuccessfullyin Serbia for asecondyear,while itwill soon see its premiere in America. “Chicagoisournextdestination,and so, from8th to 14th June, wewill be in – as people like to say – the world’s second largestSerbcity. I lookforwardtohanging out with the kids in America and there’s nodoubtwe’llachievesuccesstheretoo. I reallyfeltgoodfromtheenergyIaccumulatedsocialisingwithkidsduringlastyear’s CamponZlatibor.Togetherwithmyteamofassociates, I created aprogramme that o ers our campers sevendays of trueenjoyment–bothonthepitchwhiletraining, ando thepitchduring numerous workshops, fun evenings, entertainment, quizzes.” Con rmingthat theDeki 5Camphas fully justi editsexistence is the fact that for the second season, which is being preparedforintensively,anewdestinationhasbeenadded:Kopaonik. “It was fantastic on Zlatibor last summer. The Hotel Palisad proved to be a top host. We decided, however, to expand to Kopaonik. We are convinced that the Junior Hotel will earn an A rating fromus and our campers”. From21st July to 24th August, Dejan Stanković and the Deki 5 Campwill welcome hundredsof youngsters toSerbia frompracticallyall over theworld. “Thisfact isparticularlypleasingforallofuswhoareinvolved in the organisation of the camp. During the coming summer, according to the incoming applications, children will come to Serbia from New Zealand, Iceland, Australia, Canada, America andnumerousEuropeancountries.Of course, amongthemare many children of our emigrants, but it will certainly be nice to seetheminthe landof their fathers.Wewill alsohaveotherdear guests,withagroupof 50childrencoming fromIsrael alone.” Stanković decu može da nauči o profesionalizmu, treningu, ponašanju, poštovanju saigrača i protivnika, kaže Siniša Mihajlović Stankovic can teach children lots of things, primarily about professionalism, training, behaviour, respect for teammates and opponents, says Siniša Mihajlović