
| 45 ningstandarda, koji jetražećiodgovor na pitanje šta zanima mlade čitaoce, često tražiopomoćmudre i talentovanećerke.NaslednicaBritanca iAmerikanke,potomakvojvotkinjeibaroneta, od očeve pomoćnice išla je korak po korak do žarišta svetske mode – svetog grala Voga. Ambiciozna Ana morala je da testira svoje strpljenje, a bolje predvorje modnog raja od britanskog Voga nije mogladazamisli, ali ni daočekuje. Zaposleni su, međutim, mogli da zamisle milion boljih urednika od nje, nazvavši je Nuklearna Vintur, a period njene vladavine od 1985. do 1987. godine–Vinturnašegnezadovoljstva. U meri u kojoj je promenila liceMet bala promenila je i britanski Vog. Šta je uradila? Približila ga je američkom, a zbunjenim i ljutim novinarima govorila da se pojavila nova žena – ona koThe rst ladyofworld fashion, Anna Wintour, is also the chief organiser of the traditional Met Gala, which has a history dating back to 1948 andwhichwas rst organised in itsmodern versionback in 1971. TheMetropolitanMuseumpresents its fashionretrospectiveeach May, showingtheconnectionbetweenfashionandother art forms, but alsoaddressing manycontroversial issues.That’sbecausethe NewYorkcostumereviewhashugemeaning in fashion terms, while it has an even more important humanitarian goal. After having their photographs taken on the red carpet, starswithmillionsontheiraccountsprovide largemonetary donations. It is, thus,nocoincidencethatAnnaand theMetGalahavebeenalliedfordecades:this event’s characteristic fusion of fashion and humanitarianism are fully aligned with her twogreatpassions.Theeditorof this fashion biblehasbeendedicatedtocharitywork for yearsbecause, asshehassaid,beingacelebritymeans having in uence to help others. WintourhasheadedtheAmericanVogue since1988.Assoonas ithitsthenewsstands, fashion lovers rushtodiscoverwhichtrends she has approved, what she’s noticed that theymissedandwhichyoungdesignersshe –asawomanwhohasbeensupportingnew names for decades – has opened the doors ofworld fashion for.Theevent at theMetropolitan is followedwith the same attention. Over the pat 24 years, Anna has paid homagetoGianniVersaceandJacquelineKennedyOnassis, fusedcubismand fashion, introducedfantasytofashiontrends,highlighted the fashionaspect of theAmericannational identity, underlined the importance of the designs of Japanese creator Rei Kawakubo and dared to allow fashion to irt with religion through the theme of last year’s gala - “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination”. Thewomanwhohas thekeys toVogue also holds the keys to this museum, so only thosewhosepresence she approves gain entry. The inviolable law that’s a living illustration of the power that she’s earned after decades of dealingwith fashion journalism. She’s joinedeachyearas thehostof the Galabyvariouspublic gures.Theco-organ- Every rst Monday of May sees the doors of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art open for celebrities. World stars walk through this historic building wearing thematically-tailored costumes, while the reins to this most signi cant fashion event of the year are held by none other than Anna Wintour, editor of the American edition of Vogue magazine and artistic director of media company Condé Nast.