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Intervju / Intervi ew Series » Serija| 43 42 | Serija » Series Pobesnelog Maksa, pa sam izgledao kul. Osecao sam se kao prosedi bajker, iakomi je bilo vruce u toj koži ceo dan. Tome je ponekad činilo mrzovoljnim, plus sam zbog kose i brade stalno imao tuđu kosu u ustima! Zbog toga sam lakše ušao u mrzovoljno stanje. Da li je bilo teško pronaći pravi ton za ulogu? Morali ste da budete kul i teški, ali i smešni i ranjivi na momente... – Osecao sam iste frustracije kao Crnobradi. Odrastao samu siromaštvu i želeo samda vidimkakav je život na drugoj strani koloseka. Sada se družim sa ljudima u ovom svetu novca i uspeha. I Crnobradi se na kraju nađe u visokom društvu, ali se uvek podseca na toodakledolazi, pa ima i ogorčenost prema svetu. Definitivno sam to osetio umladosti, negodovanje prema bogatima i prema kolonijalnim silama koje su tlačile moj narod. I sada se pitam: da li je trebalo da postanem filmski stvaralac? Imao sam sjajnu karijeru, ali svaki čovek se pita da li bi bio srecniji da radi nešto drugo. I to se dešava sa Crnobradim. Bio je najpoznatiji gusar na svetu, ali nije bio srecan. Setovi su bili impresivni, imate li neke favorite? – Voleo sam francuski brod sa tomogromnomžurkom,pažnjaposvecena detaljima je bila neverovatna. Ali moj omiljeni set je bio brod Osveta. Iza nas su bili ogromni ekrani sa okeanom i talasima. Neki ljudi bi prvi put ušli u čamac i počeli da osecaju morsku bolest. Stvarno ste se osecali kao da ste na moru. Imali smo vetar i zvuk škripe čamca. Bilo je divno. Imate li uopšte nautičke veštine, da li biste mogli da podignete glavno jedro? – Znam da veslam u čamcu i dobar sam u kajaku. Ali ja nisam mornar. Bio samnanekoliko jedrenja kao klinac, samo nisam obracao mnogo pažnje, bilo je i boljih stvari. Ne bih mogao da vam navedem nijedan deo čamca ili kako da namotate konopac. f i lmmak e r Are you brave enough to become a pirate? We’re asked this question by this celebrated director and screenwriter, who says that his new series - Our Flag Means Death - poses many important questions while compelling us to laugh until we burst into tears New Zealander Taika Waititi is a renaissance man whowantedtobecomeapainter, builtaname forhimself asacomedian, then conquered the world as a director and screenwriter. His short filmTwoCars,OneNightwasnominatedforanOscar in2005, but itwas only much later that he won one of themuch-covetedgolden statuettes for Jojo Rabbit, a satirical comedy that competed for AcademyAwards insixcategoriesandwonone forbest adapted screenplay. His film Boy, an emotive tale about acriminal father’s returntohis son’s life, became themost watched New Zealand film ever, while his pseudo-documentary about the secret life of vampires in Wellington, WhatWeDoInTheShadows?,gained popularity worldwide and anAmericanTVseries adaptation.He joined the creamofHollywood through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, by directing the third, and to date most successful, filmintheThor franchise. Following the success of Ragnarok, he received theopportunity todirect the fourth instalment in the franchise, Thor: Love and Thunder, for which he also wrote the screenplay, Taika Waititi and which is set to arrive in cinemas this July. Inthemeantime,we’rewatching himonHBOMax inanother performance typical forhim, inthe comedy seriesOur FlagMeansDeath, which ispartlybasedon the real-life adventures of Stede Bonnet, a pampered aristocrat who abandoned a life of privilege to become a pirate. Waititi himself appears as Blackbeard, the scariestpiratetohaveever lived,while the lead role is played by Rhys Darby. This series is another intelligent comedy that isn’t just funentertainment, but rather gets to grips with complex topics in a humorous way, as Waititi tells us himself... Pirates must be a great genre to have some fun... - Iwasn’t ahugepirate fangrowing up. I tended to associate them with Halloween costumes and silly things that kidswould be into.Then Pirates of the Caribbean came along and tried to make pirates cool and sexy, but that felt likea fantasyworld. When this came about, I was really excited about showing what happens in the downtime, when you’re not swashbuckling and you’re not raiding ships. How important was it to sidestep the stereotypes sometimes associated with pirates? - Very. I think thisworld is ridiculousenoughwithoutaddingparrots. What I love about this is that it is a fully formed story with fleshed-out characters that all have arcs. It is hilarious, but there are some great dramaticmoments, and it’sabout something: the idea of the midlife crisis and what happens to people when they go, ‘Is this it? I had dreams. Is thisall I canexpect frommyone life?’ I think everyone has those feelings, thoughwe’renotbraveenoughtoactually go out andbe a pirate, or leave our families, or to do the stuff Stede hasdone.We’re experiencingwhat it might be like to go out and do that. That is what attracted you to this story, among other things… - The theme is important - the ideathathe’sgoneoutandisreaching Znate da ste dobri u komediji kada se ljudi smeju, ali sa dramom nematemerilo. Pretpostavljam da ste uspešni ako se ljudi ne smeju You know if you’re good at comedy because people laugh. But with drama you have no such measure. I suppose you're successful if people don't laugh Foto: Aaron Epstein