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Kultura / Culture 40 | Herceg Novi » Herceg Novi oružje i ikone, restaurirane gusle iz17. veka…Uklupamanemanijednog eksera, baš kao ni u stolovači, stolici nakojoj sesedelopored ognjišta.Tujeračunaljkana kojoj jemitropolit Amfilohije učio da broji, koja je i tada bila stara više od 100 godina, a doneta je iz njegove osnovne škole. U zastakljenoj vitrini muzeja pak čuvaju se autentičnipredmeti izvremenakadaseNjegošškolovao –dokumentaJosifaTropovića koje je potpisivao na latinskom, tadašnji udžbenici, crkvene knjige iz 1732, jevanđelja iz 1823, putir iz kojeg seNjegoš pričešćivao, bukvar iz1692. izkojeg jeučiocrkvenoslovenski jezik... Tujedivit, pretečadanašnjeolovke, futrolaukojoj senosilo pero od guske, dok su se goremešali barut i voda… –U to vreme svaka je škola imala puškarnicuda se brani od napada, a uvek su tu bile i ikone. U ovoj učionici bile su ikone krsnih slava Nemanjića i Petrovića – Sveti arhangel Mihajlo i Sveti Đorđe, obojica na konju, jer su se u teškim vremenima tražili nebeski zaštitnici ratnici – zaključuje naš domaćin. Nakon školovanja Njegoš je posle sedam godina posetio manastir Savinu 1833, a postoji pretpostavka da su baš tada u budućem pesniku počeli da se rađaju stihovi Gorskog vijenca posvećeni Herceg Novom, navedeni na početku ovog teksta. A vi kad dođete ovde, obiđite školu i zamislite da je Njegoš baš tu, na času. once barely made it back alive. Knowing that the young Radewould be themaster ofMontenegro, Josif felt neither alive nor dead during those two years, so according to one account that’s why he wrote a letter to Peter I in whichhe claimed that he’d taughtNjegoš everything and was returning him to Cetinje alive and well.” The young Rade lived in the nearby Savina Monastery, and it’s interesting to note that the school’s other pupils didn’t have an opportunity to sit in the dining room with the abbot and other monks, but he enjoyed that privilege as Montenegro’s future master. However, he courted the abbot by lunching standing up – that was a condition for him to be present. The school, whichhe attended in shifts, had approximately 60 students. They sat on three benches, while there was a fireplace and a table for the teacher, and all the furniture there today dates back to the late 18th and early 19th centuries. A chest from the 1800s, a Venetian lamp and a clock from the same year, weapons and icons, restored gusle lutes fromthe 17th century.There’s an abacus thatMetropolitanAmfilohije used to learn to count, which was already more than 100 years old back then and was brought fromhis primary school. Meanwhile, the museum’s glass showcase preserves authentic items that were really there at the time of Njegoš’s schooling: documents of Josif Tropović that he signed in Latin, textbooks of the time, church books from 1732, gospels from1823, the chalice from whichNjegošreceivedcommunion, a spelling book dating back to 1692 fromwhich he learned Church Slavonic...There is a divit inkwell andpen, the forerunner of today’s pencil, including a case in which a goose feather was carried, while gunpowder and water mixed above… “During those times, every school had a rifle room for defending against attacks, while there were also always icons. This classroom contained icons of the patron saints of the Nemanjićs and Petrovićs - St. Archangel Michael and St. George, both on horseback, because during difficult times heavenly warrior protectors were sought,” concludes our host. After completing his schooling and leaving, Njegoš would return seven years later and visit Savina Monastery in 1833, and it is presumed that it was then that verses of theMountainWreathdedicated toHercegNovi, quoted at the beginning of this article, began being born in the mind of the future poet. So when you come here, be sure to visit the school and imagine thatNjegoš is right there, sitting in class. U zastakljenoj vitrini muzeja čuvaju se autentični predmeti iz vremena kada se Njegoš školovao The museum’s glass showcase preserves authentic items that were really there at the time of Njegoš’s schooling