
84 | Srbija » Serbia RitamSrbije Rhythmof Serbia L E TO J E NA J L EPŠE U SRB I J I SUMME R I S AT I TS MOST B EAU T I F U L I N SE R B I A Kanjoni kao skloništa od vrućine / Canyons as a refuge fromthe heat Predlažemo da spas od vrelih dana potražite u nekom od prelepih kanjona Srbije ili se okupate u jednom od brojnih jezera / We suggest that you seek salvation from steaming hot days in one of Serbia’s beautiful canyons or by swimming in one of its many lakes Srbijamožda nemamore ili okean, ali ima divnih mesta na kojimamožete da uživate u kupanju, pecanju, ronjenju, prirodi... Ako ih još niste obišli, sada je pravi trenutak da ih otkrijete, jer će vas mnogi prizori ostaviti bez daha i naterati da se vratite. Serbiamight not have a sea or an ocean, but it does have bathing, fishing, diving, nature... If you haven't visited themyet, now is the right time to discover them, because there aremany scenes that will leave you breathless and compel you to return.