
Tokyo » Tokio | 65 Sport Sport Borimo se sa vremenskimzonama i džet-legom, a sve to utiče na telo. Ponekad je teško, ponekad i teže, ali putovanja uvek imaju i svoje lepe strane. Nama, koji nasport gledamosastrane, fascinantno je sa koliko žara i želje igra na velikim takmičenjima. –Teškomi je da objasnimkako semi sportisti osećamo. Na početku karijere, svi smo nestrpljivi, gladni trofeja. Želimo da odmah postignemo sve, da preskočimo stepenice u razvoju i stignemo na vrh. Često to nijemoguće. Godine prolaze, glad ostaje. Dolaze nove generacije, odbojka se menja i onda tražite motiv da nastavite da se borite. Prirodna selekcija u sportu je da stariji ustupajumestomlađima.Maja, koja će 6. avgusta proslaviti 37. rođendan, ne razmišlja o završetku karijere. Olimpijske igre 2024. godine biće u Parizu... – Zašto da ne, Pariz je lepo mesto da se završi karijera! FOTO: PROFIMEDIA.RS / JOHANNES EISELE / AFP MA J A OGN J ENOV I Ć, CAP TA I N OF T HE SE R B I A WOMEN ’ S NAT I ONA L VOL L E YBA L L , SP EAK I NG ON T HE EVE OF T HE TOKYO OLYMP I CS Japan has constantly brought us luck Our team is one of the few that has spent time in this wonderful country practically every year. From 2006 to 2018, we were regular guests in the Land of the Rising Sun, and the Japanese have always received us as they would their own, says this golden volleyball ace Top athletes often tailor their careers to suit the so-calledOlympic cycles. They train and live in such a way that they achieve top form every four years, the kind of form that would enable them to become immortalised by winning one of the medals at the Games. Thousands and thousands of them have tried and will try, but only the best of the best succeed inmounting the winners’ podium. To proudly observe the flag of their country flying on a mast, singing their national anthem with tears in their eyes. Our own Maja Ognjenović has won lots and lots of medals. The first came back in 2006, and the most recent was won in 2019. She isn’t only the captain of the Serbia women’s national volleyball, but also a woman who’s synonymous with perseverance, sacrifice, femininity, the fighting spirit, team spirit... Maja has always been there when Serbia has called. Injured, sick, sometimes on the verge of giving up on the sport - she was unable to say no. And that’s also the case now, as she will lead our graceful ladies at the OlympicGames,where theonlyobjective is agoldmedal. “That’s the medal I’m missing. When I recall just how close we came five years ago in Rio. We really gave our all, we wanted that gold, but...There is always some ‘but’. However, there are also always new opportunities. That is in front of us now, we see it and this time we’ll do everything to grab it firmly. We’ve reg-