
24 | Beograd » Belgrade Kultura Culture Beograd Belgrade KU LTURNO L E TO U PRESTON I C I SUMME R OF CU LT UR E I N T HE CAP I TA L BELEF: Novi život za Beograd BELEF: New life for Belgrade Ovogodišnji Belef, čiji glavni program traje do 10. jula, ima dva slogana – jedan je Beograd živi, a drugi Novi početak, čime se slavi ponovno bujanje kulturnog života posle pandemije / This year’s Belgrade Summer Festival, BELEF, the main programme of which runs until 10th July, has two slogans: one is “Belgrade lives” and the other is “New Beginning”, which celebrates the new flourishing of cultural life after the pandemic Svima koji će ovog leta posetiti srpsku prestonicu, ali i Beograđanima koji neće otići namore, Beograd će imati šta da ponudi – svoj tradicionalni letnji festival i na njemu predstave, koncerte, izložbe… Ovogodišnje izdanje Beogradskog letnjeg festivala naslanja se na iskustvo Beogradske letnje scene 2020. godine sa idejom da publici omogući premijerna izvođenja pozorišnih, igračkih i muzičkih predstava i koncerata, objedinjenih u okviru koncepata: beogradske premijere, nove predstave, novi autori, novi početak… Belef, koji sledeće godine slavi 30. rođendan, od ovog leta ima drugačiju koncepciju – veću kulturnu ponudu, produžavanje pozorišne sezone, izmeštanje na trgove, tvrđavu, u parkove. Festival oživljava trgove, ulice i razna mesta na kojima do sada nismo imali priliku da gledamo kulturne sadržaje. Beogradski letnji festival otvoren je 27. juna na Kalemegdenu mjuziklom Cigani lete u nebo Pozorišta na Terazijama, a Beogradska letnja scena, koja je uglavnomposvećenapozorištu, imaće glavni program u okviru kojeg će biti izvedeno 16 predstava, od čega pet premijera i tri beogradske premijere, Belef za mlade i Dečji Belef, kao i prateći program. Nastupiće i operska diva Elina Garanča, koja će se 4. jula beogradskoj publici predstaviti koncertnim izvođenjem opere Karmen, zajedno sa Operom i orkestrom Srpskog narodnog pozorišta. Za decu će Beograd ponuditi dečji kutak na Trgu republike, ispred Paviljona Cvijeta Zuzorić, u Parku vojvode Vuka i na Kosančićevom vencu. Na ovim lokacijama biće prikazano više od sto dečjih predstava i različitih programa tokom čitavog leta. Posle glavnog programa počinje program koji će trajati duže od mesec i po – Beogradske letnje noći , For all those visiting the Serbian capital this summer, but also Belgraders who won’t be heading to the seaside, Belgrade will have something to offer: its traditional summer festival, with its theatre plays, concerts, exhibitions etc. This year's edition of the Belgrade Summer Festival calls on the experience of the Belgrade Summer Stage 2020, with the idea of enabling the audience to enjoy premiere performances of new theatre, dance and music shows and concerts, all united within the concept: Belgrade premieres, new plays, new authors, new beginning… Belef, which celebrates its 30th birthday next year, has a different concept as of this summer – an increased cultural offer, the extending of the theatre season and relocations to squares, the fortress and city parks. The festival brings to life squares, streets and various other places where we haven’t previously had an opportunity to see cultural events. The Belgrade Summer Festival opened on27th June in Kalemegden Fortress Park, with the musical Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven. Terazije Theatre and the Belgrade Summer Stage, which is mainly dedicated to theatre, will have a main programme that will include the performing of 16 plays, five of which will be premiere performances and three will have their Belgrade premieres, and BELEF for the youth and the children's BELEF, as well as a rich ancillary programme. There will also be a performance of Latvian opera diva Elina Garanča, who will present herself to the Belgrade audience on 4th July in a concert performance of the opera Carmen, together with the opera and orchestra of the Serbian National Theatre. For children, Belgrade will provide a children's corner on Republic Square, in front of the Cvijeta Zuzorić Pavilion, in Vojvode