
Albania » Albanija | 101 ALBANI JA / ALBANIA Tekst / Words: Biljana Vučković Fotografije / Photography: iStock me scan Located in the southern region of the BalkanPeninsula, it has many points of contact with Serbian culture andhistory, while at the same time it has been developing swiftly in recent years.Thenature is fantastic, comprising mostly rocky areas with a lot of winding, serpentine roads. As you approach the southernpart of the sea, youwill spot beautifulmountain landscapes and streams that follow you as you head towards the vast blueness. But you’ll also notice a different, antiquated way of life. There aremany cattle farmers and youwill see herds beside the roads, but then you’ll come across fantastic summer holiday resorts. Here the combination of differences doesn’t cease to surprise. For starters, land in Tirana and tour the city. Albania’s capital city is beautiful and constantly evolving, and must-sees include the presidential palace, theatre and other city attractions. Durrës The Albanian coastal region is extremely attractive, with several summer holiday resorts stretching fromnorth to south, and Durrës is the most attractive city for lovers of history and art. It was already an important port during the time of ancient Greece, which is why it Wild nature and turquoise sea SUMME R HOL I DAYS I N A L BAN I A This is a country of pristine nature and those heading there shouldn’t expect to find the charms of Western European countries. You are awaited by an encounter with a distinctive culture and way of life Priobalje je veoma atraktivno, a za ljubitelje istorije i umetnosti najprivlačniji je Drač / The coastal region is extremely attractive, and Durrës is the most attractive city for lovers of history and art