
8 | Sadržaj » Contents Sadržaj Contents U FOKUSU IN FOCUS 10. Er Srbija počinje da leti do Osla 16. jula / Air Serbia launches flights to Oslo on 16th july DOBRODOŠLI U... WELCOME TO... 12. Cirih leti živi napolju / Zurich lives outside in summer NA LETU ON BOARD 14. Putujemo sa glumcem ZoranomPajićem / We travel with actor Zoran Pajić SMART TRAVEL PUTUJTE PAMETNO 17. Od Atine do vikenda na ostrvima / FromAthens to a weekend on the islands EKSKLUZIVNO EXCLUSIVE 30. Fredrik Bakman, švedski pisac / Fredrik Backman, Swedish writer KULTURA CULTURE 38. Snimaju se crtaći Made in Serbia / Shooting cartoons Made in Serbia 42. Ovo je vreme dobrih serija / This is the era of good series 44. Jelena Đorđević: Strip je samo moja stvar / Comics were always my thing MODA FASHION 48. Putujte udobno, ali sa stilom / Travel comfortably, but with style RITAMBEOGRADA RHYTHMOF BELGRADE 52. Ritam, štikle i Beograd / Rhythm, high heels and Belgrade 56. Šta to spaja obale belog grada? / What connects the riverbanks of the white city? 62. Igrali se konji vrani i sa njima div-junaci / Black horses at play, and with them great heroes ER SRBIJA VESTI AIR SERBIA NEWS 66. Moral, hrabrost i snaga srpskih krila / Morality, courage and strength of Serbia‘s wings 70. Er Srbija prva obnavlja letove do Italije / Air Serbia first to recommence flights to Italy