
Novi Sad » Novi Sad| 37 Lepota nije samo u sunčanomdanu Pljuskovi i nevreme praćeno grmljavinom obeležili su proleće za nama. Kamerom sam po pljusku šetao NovimSadom, svojim gradom, slikao munje i pokisle ljude, čudesnu smenu sunca i kiše. Znao sam da boje sa Varadinskog mosta, koji su na otvaranju simbolično nazvali Varadinska duga, u kombinaciji sa bojama na nebu mogu dati savršenu sliku. Odlučio sam da na tommestu zabeležim kreacije koje samo priroda može da stvori. Kao nepogrešivi autor svega čudesnog, priroda me ni sada nije izneverila. Lepota nije samo u sunčanom danu… BEAUTY ISN’T ONLY FOUND INA SUNNY DAY Downpours and inclement weather, accompanied by thunder, marked the spring behind us. With my camera in hand, I walked through showers around Novi Sad, my own city, shooting pictures of lightning and drenched people, the miraculous shift of sun and rain. I knew that the colours of Varadin Bridge, which they’d symbolically dubbed the Varadin Rainbow at the opening, combined with the colours in the sky, could provide a perfect picture. I decided on that place to record creations that only nature can make. Nature, as the infallible author of everything miraculous, didn’t let me down here either. Beauty isn’t only found in a sunny day…