
28 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia PARIZ PARIS Stakleni oblak usred grada Pariz je svojevrsni centar najboljih muzeja sveta, a jedan od onih koji privlače veliku pažnju turista je Muzej Fondacija Luj Viton. Ovo spektakularno zdanje nalazi se na obodu Bulonjske šume i izgleda kao masivno jedro koje drže sajle, a napravljeno je od čak 3.600 staklenih panela koji se međusobno prepliću i savijaju. Muzej ima 11 izložbenih prostorija sa impresivnim postavkama, a tu su i terase sa kojih se pruža predivan pogled na francusku prestonicu. PARIS IS ITS OWN KIND of hub for the best museums in the world, and one of those that attracts the great attention of tourists is the museum of the Louis Vuitton Foundation. This spectacular building is located on the periphery of the Bois de Boulogne forest and resembles a massive sail held by cables, while it is made of as many as 3,600 glass panels that intertwine and bend. The museum has 11 exhibition spaces with impressive settings, and there are also terraces providing a beautiful view of the French capital. LONDON LONDON Nov život crvenih govornica Crvene telefonske govornice oduvek su bile simbol Londona, a danas su neke od njih pretvorene u mini-kafiće. Naime, supružnici Lorejnis Hernandez i Šon Raferti pretvorili su tri govornice u Amar kafee, u kojima služe kafu, i to pravu kolumbijsku, odakle su poreklom, kao i sladoled i peciva. Ističu da ovih dana, kad se London vraća normalnim tokovima života, imaju pune ruke posla jer kod njih turisti i domaćini mogu da uživaju u sitnim zadovoljstvima uz poštovanje pravila socijalne distance. RED TELEPHONE BOXES HAVE LONG been a symbol of London, and today some of them have been turned into mini cafes. Namely, married couple Loreinis Hernandez and Sean Rafferty turned three such boxes into “Amar cafe”, where they serve real coffee from Colombia, where they hail from, but also ice cream and pastries to take away. They point out that during these days when normal life is returning to London they have their hands full, because at their place both tourists and locals can enjoy small pleasures whilst respecting the rules of social distancing. NJUJORK NEWYORK Auto-žurke Njujorčani ovog leta imaju priliku da dožive festivale i da uživaju u kulturnim dešavanjima na drugačiji način – iz automobila. Na parkingu kod čuvenog stadiona Jenkija biće postavljena velika bina, a dešavanja će se organizovati od petka do nedelje i posetioci će moći da uživaju u koncertima lokalnih umetnika, karaoke večerima, projekcijama filmova svih žanrova... Ko bude želeo, moći će i da poruči večeru iz popularnih lanaca ulične hrane, s tim što će svakom događaju moći da prisustvuje najviše 200 vozila. Putem interneta su se za ova dešavanja već prijavile desetine hiljada ljudi. NEW YORKERS HAVE AN OPPORTUNI TY to experience festivals and enjoy cultural events in a different way this summer - from their cars. A large stage is being set up in the car park of the famous Yankee Stadium, and events will be organised from Friday to Sunday, with visitors able to enjoy concerts by local artists, karaoke evenings, film screenings of all genres etc. Anyone who wants to will be able to order dinner in their car from popular street food chains, though a maximum of 200 vehicles will be able to attend each event. Tens of thousands of people have already applied for these events via the internet. Razglednica/Postcard