
26 | Kultura » Culture Narodni muzej National Museum Crvenokosa boginja izdvaja se ekspresivnošću i svedenošću forme The Red-haired Goddess stands out with its expressiveness and minimalism of form Jedinstveni nalaz. Crvenokosa boginja, 5500 p.n.e. Unique find. The Red-haired Goddess dating back to 5500 BC Crvenokosa boginja u Beogradu Red-haired goddess in Belgrade Stalna postavka Narodnog muzeja u Beogradu odnedavno je obogaćena jedinstvenom praistorijskom skulpturom poznatom u nauci kao Crvenokosa boginja The permanent exhibition of the National Museum in Belgrade has recently been enriched with a unique prehistoric sculpture that’s known to science as the Red-haired Goddess OVA KERAMIČKA FIGURINA OTKRIVENA JE U DONJOJ BRANJEVINI kod Odžaka, na Dunavu, pre tačno 30 godina. Crvenokosa boginja je nastala u vreme prvih zemljoradnika i stočara u Evropi, odnosno pre više od 7.500 godina. Nesvakidašnje visine za starije neolitske gurine, Crvenokosa boginja visoka 38 centimetara se sa pravom može nazvati monumentalnom skulpturom. Neobično veliku nagu žensku guru bujnih i prenaglašenih oblina, osim visine, od drugih neolitskih gurina izdvaja i pažljivo modelovana kosa, u kojoj su ponađeni tragovi crvene boje. Umetničke i simboličke predstave takvog tipa javljaju se tokom neolita na prostoru od Bliskog istoka do Podunavlja, ali su po pravilu znatno manjih dimenzija i znatno manje upečatljive. Crvenokosa boginja izdvaja se svojom ekspresivnošću i istovremeno i svedenošću forme snažno akcentovanih atributa plodnosti, što je za tadašnju zajednicu bilo od izuzetnog značaja za opstanak. Iako je otkrićem Sergeja Karamanskog i publikovana u naučnim časopisima svetlost dana ponovo ugledala pre 30 godina, Crvenokosa boginja do sada nije imala uslove da bude izložena i dostupna posetiocima. Zahvaljujući saradnji i inicijativi Biblioteke Branko Radičević iz Odžaka, u čijem sastavu je i arheološka zbirka iz Donje Branjevine, Crvenokosa boginja će biti poverena na dugoročnu pozajmicu Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu i imaće zasluženo mesto u stalnoj muzejskoj postavci. THISCERAMICFIGURINEWASUNCOVERED ON THE DANUBE in Donja Branjevina near Odžak exactly thirty years ago. e Red-haired Goddess was created during the time of the first crop farmers and herders in Europe, more than 7,500 years ago. An unusual height for older neolithic figurines, at 38cm tall the Red-haired Goddess can rightly be called a monumental sculpture. An extraordinarily large nude female figure with a lush and over-emphasized hairline, apart from height, she is also distinguishable among other Neolithic figurines due to her carefully modelled hair, in which traces of red have been found. Artistic and symbolic representations of this type emerged during the Neolithic period on territory stretching from the Middle East to the Danube region, though as a rule they are much smaller in size and much less striking. e Red-haired Goddess stands out with her expressiveness, simultaneously testifying to the form of strongly accentuated attributes of fertility, which were of great importance to the survival of the communities of that time. Although it was thirty years ago that she first saw the light of day again after millennia, with Sergej Karamanski’s discovery published in scientific journals, the Red-haired Goddess hasn’t previously had the conditions to be exhibited and accessible to visitors, until now. anks to the cooperation and initiative of the Branko Radičević Library from Odžak, the composition of which also includes the Archaeological Collection from Donja Branjevina, the Red-haired Goddess will be entrusted to the National Museum in Belgrade under a long-term loan and take its deserved place in the museum’s permanent exhibition.