
14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Na letu On board ZORAN PAJ IĆ GLUMAC ACTOR Svima bih preporučio ovu knjigu jer na duhovit način, kroz strip, govori o našemmentalitetu I’d recommend this book to everyone, as it addresses our mentality in a humorous way, through comic strips U torbici nosim sve što mi treba, ne ispuštam je iz vida I carry everything I need in my handbag, I don’t let it out of my sight Naravno, pasoš. Sto puta proverimda li samga poneo My passport, of course. I check a hundred times to ensure I’ve brought it Dok letim, volimda slušam muziku zemlje u koju putujem, pa obavezno nosim slušalice While flying I like to listen to the music of the country to which I’m travelling, so it’s obligatory for me to carry headphones Uvek izaberem nekog pisca koji mi otkrije nove horizonte I always choose some writer who reveals new horizons to me I’ve loved planes from an early age, satisfaction and excitement, particularly on the night prior to flying. These are 5 things I dont’t fly without Odmalena volimavione, to je zamene zadovoljstvo, uzbuđenje, naročito noć pred put. Ovo je 5 stvari bez kojih ne letim U avionu mislim o budućnosti On the plane I think about the future Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Đorđe Kojadinović, Predrag Dedijer 1 2 3 4 5