
| 83 TIRAMISU Sočan, lagan i kremast, tiramisu će vas podići ako ste tužni i neraspoloženi. Baš kao i Elevejt . Bar im tako ime kaže. Desert sličan tiramisuu prvi put je napravljen u Sijeni krajem 17. veka u čast posete velikog vojvode Kosima Medičija Trećeg. Zbog tog događaja taj kolač je nazvan „zuppa del duca“, što u prevodu znači „vojvodina supa“. Pošto mu se mnogo dopao, vojvoda je doneo recept u Firencu, odakle je i krenula njegova svetska slava. Za današnju verziju tiramisua kažu da je nastala početkom 20. veka u restoranu Le Beccherie u italijanskom gradiću Trevizo, koji se nalazi severozapadno od Venecije. Postoje razne priče i legende o venecijanskim kurtizanama koje su radile u bordelu iznad ovog restorana. Prema jednoj, tim damama trebalo je nešto da ih oraspoloži i osveži, pa je po efektu koji je izazivao, tiramisu i dobio ime. TIRAMISU Succulent, light and creamy, tiramisu will raise your spirits if you’re sad or in a bad mood. Just like Elevate. At least, that’s what their names imply. A dessert similar to tiramisu was rst made in Siena at the end of the 17th century, in honor of the visit of Grand Duke Cosimo III De’Medici. This event led to this cake being dubbed the “Zuppa del Duca”, which translates as the “Duke’s Pudding”. Having enjoyed the treat very much, the duke brought the recipe back to Florence, and it was from there that its world glory began. Today’s version of tiramisu is said to have been created at the beginning of the 20th century at Ristorante Le Beccherie in the Italian town of Treviso, which is located to the north-west of Venice. There are various stories and legends about the Venetian courtisans who worked in the brothel above this restaurant. According to one, those ladies needed something to cheer and refresh them, so tiramisu was named according to the e ect that it evoked. POTREBNO JE 500 g maskarponea, 3 jajeta, 400 g piškota, 3 šoljice espresa, 6 kašičica smeđeg šećera, 1 kašika ekstrakta vanile, 3 kašičice kakaoa, 2 kašičice ruma ili amareto likera PRIPREMA Odvojte žumanca od belanca. Belanca umutite sa tri kašike šećera u čvrst sneg, a žumanca skuvajte na pari sa ostatkom šećera. Kada se žumanca malo prohlade, dodajte im sir, vanilu i rum, te lagano promešajte. Kada dobijete ujednačenu smesu, dodajte sneg od belanaca i šećera i dobro promešajte. Piškote umočite u ohlađenu kafu i poređajte prvi red u pleh. Preko piškota stavite deo fila, pa ponavljajte postupak dok ne potrošite sav materijal. Kolač završite piškotama i pospite ih kakaom. Ostavite u frižideru da se dobro stegne, najbolje preko noći INGREDIENTS 500g of mascarpone, 3 eggs, 400g of ladyfinger biscuits, 3 small cups of espresso, 6 teaspoons of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, 3 teaspoons of cocoa, 2 teaspoons of rum or amaretto liqueur PREPARATION Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Whip the egg whites with three tablespoons of sugar to create a firm foam, them steam the yolks with the remainder of the sugar. Waits for the yolks to cool slightly, then add the cheese, vanilla and rum/amaretto and mix gently. When you get a uniform mixture, add the foam of egg whites and sugar and stir well. Dip the ladyfinger biscuits into the cooled coffee and arrange the first row in a baking tray. Place a layer of the filling over the biscuits, then repeat the process until you use all material. Top the cake with a final layer of ladyfingers and sprinkle with cocoa. Leave to set well in a refrigerator, preferably overnight. iStock / elenaleonova