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24 | Bioskop» Cinema Kultura Culture Tekst/Words: Viktor Vilotijević Fotografije/ Photography: Profimedia.rs Iako se pandemiji ne nazire kraj, bioskopi širom planete su se vratili u život. U godini pred nama dolaze dugo čekani blokbasteri, nastavci Top gana, Nemoguće misije, Tora, Crnog pantera, Noći veštica, a posle 13 godina stiže nam konačno i novi Avatar Konzumiranje filmova se potpuno promenilo ekspanzijom mnogobrojnih striming servisa, kao i novim načinom distribucije. Mnogi filmovi su u toku prethodne dve godine imali premijeru onlajn, dok se Vorner bros opredelio za „day and date“ model, u okviru kog se filmovi puštaju simultano u bioskopima i na njihovom striming servisu HBO Max. Ipak, Matriks: Uskrsnuća je označio kraj te ere, nakon čega se Vorner odlučio na prvih 45 dana ekskluzivnog bioskopskog života, pridruživši se u tome i ostalim studijima. I zato, na radost svih ljubitelja dobre bioskopske zabave, godina pred nama predstavlja pravu poslasticu. Evo šta ćemo gledati... Although no end to the pandemic is in sight, cinemas around the planet have come back to life. The year ahead will see the long-awaited arrivals of blockbusters that include sequels to Top Gun, Mission Impossible, Thor, Black Panther and Halloween, while – after a 13-year wait – the new Avatar is also finally set to hit cinemas The way film is consumed has changed completely with the expansion of numerous streaming services and a new distribution method. Many films premiered online during the previous two years, while Warner Bros. has opted for the “day and date” model, in which films are simultaneously released in cinemas and on their HBO Max streaming service. However, The Matrix Resurrections marks the end of that practise, with Warner having decided that subsequent releases will be exclusively screened in cinemas for the first 45 days of their existence, thus aligning with the method deployed by other studios. And that’s why the year ahead is sure to be a real treat, to the joy of all fans of good cinema entertainment. Here's what we'll be watching... ŠTA NAS OČEKU J E U 202 2 ? / WHAT AWA I TS US I N 202 2 ? Filmoljupci, radujte se! Cinephiles, rejoice!