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20 | Serija» Series U trendingu / U trendingu oma simpatičan. Zašto onda volimo seriju punu toliko jezivih likova? – Zato što mislim da nas to podseca na to ko smo. Serija provocira toliko mnogo tamnih strana za mnoge od nas. Ali to je Džesijeva veština, to je ono što Džesi radi: namamio je ljude u ovu priču na briljantan način. Gledaoci su se uhvatili na udicu Naslednika i ne mogu da se skinu. Razumem to. Naravno, serija je, osim toga, prepuna zaista sjajnih ljudi, sve do kraja – ne samo glumci vec i garderoba, šminka, snimatelji – svi su bez premca. Tako da je naša zajednica prilično dobra, zaista. Serija govori o jednom procentu populacije ili čak o 0,1 odsto njih. A ipak uspevamo da se povežemo. Kako to? – Mislim da je to zato što svi imamo ambiciju. Ponekad je osujecena. Ponekad je zakopamo. Ponekad uspevamo. Ponekad se toga stidimo. Mislim da je razgolićenost Naslednika ono što privlači ljude. Jer sve je ogoljeno – jezik, zlostavljanje... Čak i ja ponekad pitam zar nešto stvarno moram da izgovorim...’ Da li vam je lako da u sebi pronađete Loganov vulkanski gnev? – Da. Dubokou sebi samprilično ljut! Samouđem u bunar besa i tu sam. Prilično je duboko, ali mogu sa siđem. Znate, ja imam svoje razloge za ljutnju o kojima vam necu pričati! Ali mogu biti prilično ljut, tako da je to lakši deo. Pronaći tog biznimena bilo je mnogo teže. Ali na kraju smo stigli i tamo. doesn’t express it, but he does love them.” You wouldn’t say any of these people are hugely likeable. So why do we love a show peopled with so many thistly characters? “Because I think it reminds us of whowe are at rock bottom. It rings so many bells – and dark bells – for a lot of us. But that’s Jesse’s skill, that’s what Jesse does: he’s lured people into this show in an incredibly brilliant way. And people are caught. They’re on the Succession hook, and they can’t get off it. I understand that. And, also, it’s packed with really great people, all the way down the line – not just the actors, but the wardrobe department, make-up department, camera crew. So our community is pretty bloody good, really.” Similarly, it’s a show about the one per cent – or even the 0.1 per cent. And yet it’s relatable. How does it manage that? “I think that’s because we all have ambition. Sometimes it’s thwarted. Sometimes we bury it. Sometimes we go for it. Sometimeswe are ashamed of it. I think the nakedness of Succession iswhat catches people. Because it’s quite naked in that way – the language, the abuse… Even I sometimes go: ‘Do I really have to say that?’…” When you have to summon Logan’s volcanic anger, is it easy for you to do? “Yeah. Deep down I’m quite angry! I just go into the well of anger and it’s there. It’s quite deep, but I can go down there. You know, I have my own reasons for anger – which I’m not going to tell you about! But I can be quite angry, so that’s the easy part. It was just being the businessman that was suffering. But we got there in the end.” Sve epizode serije mogu da se pogledaju na HBO-GO All episodes of the series can be watched on HBO-GO Foto:Profimedia.rs/SuppliedbyLMK/Landmark