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114 | Er Srbija» Air Serbia er srbija info / air Serbia info Slavoljub Matejić, pilot Slavoljuba Matejića, pilota Tri pitanja za... Three questions for... Gde biste nas ovog januara najradije odvezli i zašto? – Što se tiče naših putnika, bilo bi lepo podeliti ih u dve grupe, pa da jednu grupu odvezemo, recimo, uAustriju da uživaju u zimskim čarima skijašjih centara, a drugu uHurgadu na kupanje. Tada bi svi bili zadovoljni. Svako od nas ima neku januarsku priču. Koji je grad najlepši kad se gleda sa visine, a koji sa zemlje? – Ranijih godina, dok smo preletali Veliku Britaniju, neverovatno mi je izgledao London. Imao sampriliku da ga gledam iz vazduha, u preletu i danju i noću. Izgleda nestvarno! S druge strane, sa zemlje je to definitivnoMadrid, koji sam posetio više puta po nekoliko dana. Šta biste sebi i Er Srbiji poželeli u godini pred nama? – Želim našoj kompaniji još novih destinacija, još više putnika i više posla za mlade pilote. Sebi želim da me zdravlje služi što duže i da gledam svoju unuku kako raste. Where would you most like to “lead” us this January, and why? “When it comes to our passengers, it would be nice to “split” them into two groups, so that we can “lead” one group to Austria, for example, to enjoy the winter charms of ski centres, and the other to Hurghada to bathe. Then everyone would be happy. We all have some “January” story.” Which city is the most beautiful when viewed from the heights, and which is the prettiest from the ground? “In previous years, while we flew over Great Britain, London looked amazing to me. I had the opportunity to observe it from the air, on overflights, both during the day and night. It looks unreal! On the other hand, from the ground that is definitely Madrid, which I’ve had multiple opportunities to visit for several days at a time.” What would you wish for yourself and Air Serbia in the year ahead? “I wish for our company to have more new destinations, even more passengers and more work for young pilots. For myself, I wish for my health to serve me for as long as possible, and to watch my granddaughter as she grows up.” Želimnašoj kompaniji još novih destinacija, još više putnika i više posla zamlade pilote I wish for our company to have more new destinations, even more passengers and more work for young pilots