
In this Instagram time of ours – even trends aren’t what they used to be. Instead of clearly defined designer fashion dispatches about the new length of skirts or the colour that will dominate, we now have fashion narratives: stylish scenarios that create an en vogue atmosphere. Thus, in the summer months we follow the determining outfit of boho girls from Mykonos or Santorini, while in autumn it is the turn of wrapping up in cardigans made of thick yarn, like the stylish residents of London, and in winter plans revolve around the planned escape to the mountains – with pieces that look equally powerful on snowy slopes and on fashion catwalks. Whether coincidental or not, it is only this season that fashion houses have placed more of a focus than ever on clothes inspired by the graceful moves and unstoppable adrenaline of professional skiers (and those who aren’t but dress like they are). With a nostalgic review of the best days of elite ski resorts that have represented the concept of exclusivity in the domain of winter tourism for decades, the most sought after fashion designers utilised shows to present retro ski sweaters, trousers made from technologically advanced materials that are sufficiently chic for the city and equally waterproof for adventure, with boots that are reminiscent of armoured footwear etc. Last, but by no means least, there are sunglasses with a futuristic design that reflects the strong sun on mountains and protects against unwanted looks anywhere else! The most famous global platform for luxury shopping, Net-a-Porter, has dedicated a fashion editorial to this “apres ski” fashion phenomenon! However, with the intention of maximising the capitalisation of skiing as an elite sport, some fashion houses have gone a step further than inspiration by moving towards the branding of complete lines of ski equipment. Historically important French house Dior and the Rome-based fashion empire of the Fendi family almost simultaneously launched capsule collections that include everything you might need on a mountain.... Except a ski pass, of course. Skiing » Skijanje | 53 U ovo naše instagramično vreme ni trendovi nisu ono što su nekad bili. Umesto jasno definisanih dizajnerskih depeša o novoj dužini suknje ili koloritu koji će dominirati, sad imamo modne narative: stilske scenarije koji kreiraju atmosferu en vogue. Tako se u letnjim mesecima prate autfit odrednice boho devojaka sa Mikonosa ili Santorinija, u jesen je na redu ušuškavanje u kardigane od krupnog prediva poput stajliš stanovnica Londona, a za zimu je planiran beg u planine – komadi koji podjednako moćno izgledaju na snežnoj stazi, kao i na modnoj pisti. Slučajno ili ne, tek modne kuće su ove sezone više nego ikad fokus u svojim ležernim segmentima stavile na odeću inspirisanu gracioznim potezima i nezaustavljivim adrenalinom profesionalnih skijaša (i onih koji to nisu, nego se samo tako odevaju). Sa nostalgičnim osvrtom na najbolje dane elitnih skijališta koja decenijama predstavljaju pojam ekskluzivnosti u domenu zimskog turizma, najtraženiji modni kreatori su na revijama prikazali retro ski-džempere, pantalone od tehnološki usavršenih materijala koje su dovoljno šik za grad i podjednako nepromočive za avanturu, čizme sa detaljima koji podsećaju na pancerice... Na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važno, tu su naočare za sunce, čiji futuristički dizajn odbija jako sunce na planini i štiti od neželjenih pogleda bilo gde drugde! Najpoznatija globalna platforma za luksuzni shopping Net-a-Porter je modnom fenomenu Après Ski posvetila i jedan modni editorijal! Međutim, u nameri da maksimalno kapitalizuju skijanje kao elitni sport, neke modne kuće su otišle i korak dalje od inspiracije ka brendingu kompletnih linija opreme za skijanje. Istorijski važna francuska kuća Dior i rimska modna imperija porodice Fendi gotovo u isto vreme lansirali su kapsula kolekcije svega što vam može zatrebati na planini. Osim ski-pasa, naravno. Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojičić Photography: Profimedia.rs SK I S LOP E AS A CATWA L K Apres ski, snowbound luxury Chic editions after a day on the slopes of Chamonix and St. Moritz remain as eternal inspiration for designers