
Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5 Reč dobrodošlice Welcomemessage PREDNAMA JE NOVAGODINA – nov i svež početak koji nam je svima bio potreban. Nestrpljivo smo čekali da se završi prethodna godina, nadajući se da će doći kraj i teškoćama koje je donela. Iako januar 2021. nemožemagično da izbriše izazove iz 2020. godine, daje namnovu energiju da se sa njima suočimo spremniji, jači i bogatiji za brojne lekcije. Godina za nama bila je, u najmanju ruku, specifična. Pandemija korona virusa uticala je na svakog pojedinca i kompaniju, bez izuzetka, ali nećemo preterati ako kažemo da je sektor turizma i transporta, uključujući avio-industriju, jedan od najteže pogođenih. Najveća kriza u novijoj istoriji putničkog avio-saobraćaja ozbiljno nas je poljuljala, ali nismo klonuli duhom. Predviđanja stručnjaka za globalni oporavak avio-prevoza su raznolika, ali i dalje je nepoznanica kada će do toga doći. Sve češćemožemo čuti o različitim savremenim rešenjima koja će namolakšati putovanja u vreme pandemije. Mi u Er Srbiji u 2021. godinu ulazimo sa optimizmom i spremni da se prilagođavamo novimuslovima, jer samo kompanije u kojima se promene odvijaju brzo i efikasnomogu opstati i ići napred. U prošloj godini je značajno smanjen obim putničkog saobraćaja, a u jednom trenutku je i potpuno zaustavljen. Ipak, sve to nemože da oduzme i umanji njegov značaj. Još davne 1944. godine u Konvenciji omeđunarodnomcivilnom vazduhoplovstvu definisana je njegova uloga – stvaranje i održavanje prijateljstva i razumevanja među nacijama i narodima sveta. To je srž i suština putovanja – razlog zbog kog su se ljudi vekovima borili da prevazilaze ogromne razdaljine kopnom i morem, sve dok početkom20. veka prvi avioni nisu olakšali te poduhvate. Putovanja nam pružajumogućnost povezivanja i umrežavanja, upoznavanja različitih naroda, kultura i delova sveta, kao i spoznavanje sebe kroz bolje upoznavanje drugih. Koliko god da je 2020. godina bila teška i izazovna, naučila nas je i nekimvažnimstvarima. Pre svega, naučila nas je da zastanemo i usporimo, da bolje pogledamo okolinu i uživamo umalimstvarima, da shvatimo koliko namznače ljudi oko nas i radujemo se trenutku kada ćemo ponovo videti one od kojih smo dugo bili razdvojeni. Nadamo se da ćemo ove godine biti u prilici da vas vodimo u nove avanture – da sklopite nove poslove i ostvarite nove uspehe, da ponovo vidite drage ljude, porodicu i prijatelje koji žive daleko, kao i da spoznate sami sebe, ali u novom i još boljem izdanju. Uživajte u letu i srećan put. ISKRENOVAŠA, ER SRBIJA THE NEWYEAR ISAHEADOF us – a new and fresh start that we all needed. We were impatiently awaiting the end of last year, hoping that the hardships it brought would also endwith it. Although January 2021 cannot magically erase the challenges that emerged in 2020, it can give us new energy to face thembetter prepared, stronger and having learned numerous lessons. The year behind us was unique, to say the least. The Coronavirus Pandemic had an impact on each individual and company, without exception, but we wouldn’t be exaggerating if we said that the tourismand transport sectors, including the aviation industry, were hit the hardest. We were seriously shook by the biggest crisis in the recent history of passenger air transport, but we weren’t disheartened. Experts have offered differing estimates regarding the global recovery of air transport, but it remains to be seen when that recovery will happen. We keep hearing about different modern solutions that will make travelling easier during the pandemic. We at Air Serbia are entering 2021 full of optimismand ready to adapt to new circumstances, because only those companies that adopt changes quickly and efficiently can survive andmove forward. Passenger traffic reduced significantly last year, at one point even being halted completely. Still, all this cannot take away or diminish the importance of passenger traffic. Back in 1944, its role was defined in the Convention on International Civil Aviation – creating and preserving friendship and understanding among the nations and peoples of the world. This is the core and essence of travelling – the reason why people struggled for centuries to overcome vast distances by land and sea, until, in the early 20th century, aeroplanesmade these endeavours easier. Travelling gives us an opportunity to connect and network; it allows us to get to knowdifferent nations, cultures and parts of the world, and it also helps us to discover ourselves by getting to know others better. As difficult and challenging as 2020was, it also taught us some important lessons. First, it taught us to stop and slow down, to take in our surroundings and enjoy the little things, to realise howmuch the people around usmean to us, and to look forward to themoment when we will again see those we’ve been separated from for so long. We hope that we will be able to take you on new adventures this year – to seal newdeals and achieve new successes, to again see people dear to you, family and friends who live far away, and to learn about yourself, but as a new and better you. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip. SINCERELY YOURS, AIR SERBIA Dragi putnici, Dear passengers, Januar 2021. godine January 2021 Mi u Er Srbiji u 2021. godinu ulazimo sa optimizmom i spremni da se prilagođavamo novimuslovima At Air Serbia we are entering 2021 full of optimism and ready to adapt to new circumstances