
10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Na letu On board MARKO SIMONOVIĆ, KOŠARKAŠ CRVENE ZVEZDE MARKO SIMONOVIĆ, RED STAR BASKETBALL PLAYER Avioni su savršenstvo modernog doba Planes are the paragon of themodern age Tekst/Words: Jelena Medić Fotografije/Photography: Aleksandar Dimitrijević, iStock, Profimedia.rs I adore planes. Alongside the internet, I think they are themost perfect thing that man has ever invented Obožavamavione. Uz internet, mislimda su najsavršenija stvar koju je čovek smislio Uvek nosim slušalice jer volimda slušampoeziju, kada neki dobar narator govori stihove, to me smiruje I always carry headphones because I like listening to poetry when some good narrator recites verses, that calms me 1 2 Na putovanjima često čitam knjige iz oblasti psihologije. Preporučio bih i Dostojevskog, knjiga kojoj se uvek vraćam je Zločin i kazna I often read books on the topic of psychology during my travels. I would also recommend Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment is a book that I always return to 4 Moramda priznamda volimda ponesem nešto slatko u avion, pa često imambombonice ili čokoladicu I must admit that I like to carry something sweet on the plane, so I often have sweets or chocolate 5 Što se tiče serija kojim prekraćujem vreme u avionu, najaktuelnija je Kuća od papira. Veoma mi se sviđa, zato je tu tablet When it comes to the series I use to shorten my time aboard a plane, the most relevant now is Money Heist. I really like that, which is why there's a tablet 2 Bez dobre i udobne dukserice ne putujem, ipak sam ja sportista ;-) I don't travel without a good and comfortable sweatshirt, I'm a sportsman after all ;-)