
62 | / Just below Wawel Castle in Krakow there are stars on the pavement, just like those of the Los AngelesWalk of Fame. Beneathoneof themis thesignatureofStellanSkarsgård, thefamousactor, great humanist and father of eight. The very same Stellan Skarsgård who we watched in the lmsofLarsvonTrier, inthemusicalMama Mia, inThor, Chernobyl etc. The Swede who easilyconqueredHollywood,andwhoseinterviewsaremore interestingthanshort stories. And why do I mention Krakow when we’re talking about a Swede? Because my surprise when I saw that star was similar to thereactionsof lmloverswhenyouexplain tothemwhosefatherStellanis.That’sbecause hissonsarealsostars, realHollywoodones:Alexander, GustavandBill. And this is the story of them, thefourVikingswhoconqueredthe world via the big screen. So, let’s start from the beginning. STELLAN SKARSGÅRD When he told his father at the age of 16 that he’d selected his calling andwould leave school, hewasmetwithunderstanding. He soon became a theatre actor, then appeared in several lms inSweden, which was followed by an award at the Berlin FilmFestival... In the 1988 lmadaptation of Milan Kundera’s novel The Unbearable Lightnessof Being, heperformedalongside Daniel Day-Lewis in his rst serious Hollywood production. From there everything became part of the history of cinematography: The Hunt for Red October, Good Will Hunting, Pirates of the Caribbean, Goya’s Ghosts etc. And then came Melancholia and the surname Skarsgård appeared twice when the credits rolledout.Thiswas the rst time that Stellanactedalongsidehis sonAlexander. It was the beginning of the Skarsgårds lmdomination. Itwasalsothenthathisprivate life rst came under the spotlight and it was revealed that Stellan has eight children – six from his rst marriage and two fromhis second, sevensonsandonedaughter. Hebought an apartment inStockholm, where the children moved when they left their parents’ home after turning 18. They had to pay the bills themselves and manageontheirown.Thatdidn’t createdistance between them, on thecontrary. Onceevery three months they have dinner and everyone attends. “If someone were to watch us from the sidelineswhileweatedinner, itwouldseemto himthatwearearguing,but it isonlythrough discussionthatonecanreachacompromise. Swedenisthehomeofcompromiseandfreedomof speechmust exist,”father Stellan explained. ALEXANDER SKARSGÅRD Stellan’s eldest began acting as a boy. However, his life beyond lm sets was completelyordinary.Hegrewupinaworking-class areaof Stockholm, wherehe ranaroundand played football inthestreets. At theageof 19 hedecidedthathedidn’twanttoactandjoined theSwedishMarines.HealsostudiedEnglish andwas interested in architecture. However, hecametorealisethathestillwantedtobein front of the camera. Hegaineda role inZoolander, thenwesawhiminaLadyGagavideo, thenintheseriesTrueBlood,whereheplayed the character of aViking vampire, andwomen around the world were won over! He has been proclaimed Sweden’s sexiest man ve times. However, this youngmanwasn’t content with the fact that he was only seen as a pretty face. He chose roles inwhichhe could also showhis talent, andwent on to shine in The Diary of aTeenage Girl and theTV series Big Little Lies. Alongside acting, he’s also involvedinhumanitarianwork,hasnoproblem strippingo ,speaksEnglishandFrench uently,adoresfootball,whilepopularityisn’tanimportant thingfor thisguy,who’satruegentleman...Whatmore canyouwant fromaman? GUSTAF SKARSGÅRD Acting is extremely di cult, but when you already have a famous father andbrother andyouwant toget intoacting, theroad is decidedlythorny.“Asa17-year-oldandapretentiouscandidateattheactingschool, itwas easy forme todiscreditAlexas a super cially in ated doll. And I did that for many years. A long timewasneeded forme togain respect asanactormyself,”saidGustafcandidlyinone interview. And so he played the character of Floki intheseriesVikingsandpresentedhimselfperfectlytothewholeworld.Hehasacted inthetheatre, inplaysbyShakespeare, Chekhov etc.When he appears on screen, all other actors fall into thebackground.This is supportedbythefact thatoneofhisbiggest fans is the unsurpassedDaniel Day-Lewis. BILL SKARSGÅRD Bill isperhaps anewname for the rest of theworld, but this guy’s already been acting for 20years. He’s abig star inSweden, andhe doesn’thaveaproblemwiththefact thathe’s the third Skarsgård brother to conquer Hollywood. “I do my thing and they do theirs,” said Bill. And if you’re not sure if you’ve seen him act, we’ll help you out. He was the terrifying Pennywise in the hit adaptation of StephenKing’sIT.WealsowatchedhiminAtomic Blonde,whileinDeadpool2hemakesacameoappearanceashimself,sohe’salreadyabigger star than all other Skarsgårds. Osim glumom, bavi se i humanitarnim radom, nema problemda se skine, govori tečno engleski i francuski, obožava fudbal, popularnost zanjega nije neka bitna stvar, pravi je džentlmen... Šta više možete da poželite od jednog čoveka? GUSTAV SKARSGORD „Glumačkiposaojeizuzetnotežak, ali kada nakon slavnog oca i brata i ti poželiš da se baviš glumom, put je posut trnjem. Kao 17-godišnjak i pretenciozni kandidat u školi glume lakomi jebilodadiskreditujemAleksa kao površnu napumpanu lutku. Radio sam to mnogo godina. Trebalo mi je dosta vremena da steknem poštovanje kao glumac“, bio je iskren u jednom intervjuu. I tako je u seriji Vikinzi odigrao lik Flokija i savršeno se prikazao čitavom svetu. U pozorištu je igrao Šekspira, Čehova... Kada se pojavi na ekranu, svi ostali glumci padaju u drugi plan. Tome u prilog ide i činjenica da je jedan od njegovihnajvećih fanovaneprevaziđeni Danijel Dej Luis. BIL SKARSGORD Možda je za ostatak sveta Bil novo ime, ali ovaj momak glumi već 20 godina. UŠvedskoj jevelika zvezda, a sa time da je treći Skarsgordbrat koji osvaja Holivud nema problem. „Radim svoje, a oni rade svoje“, kaže Bil. Ako niste sigurni da li ste ga gledali, pomoći ćemovam. Bil jeužasni Penivajza u hitu Stivena Kinga It . Gledali smo ga i u Atomik blond, a u filmu Dedpul2 glumi samogsebe,dakle, već jeveća zvezdaodsvihSkarsgorda. Tim snova: Aleksander, Stelan i Gustav Dream team: Alexander, Stellan and Gustaf