
| 47 Ime španske dive Luz Kasal čitavim svetom odjeknulo je pesmama Un año de amor i Piensa en mi, koje su obeležile film Visoke potpetice (1991), kultno ostvarenje Pedra Almodovara. Međutim, Srbijom i dalje s posebnim emocijama odjekuje pesma Madrugadas ( Pukni, zoro ) iz filmskog hita Dragana Bjelogrlića Montevideo, vidimo se! (2014), na kojoj je sarađivala sa slovenačkim muzičarem Robertom Pešutom Manjifikom. – Rad na muzici za Montevideo, vidimo se! bilo je divno iskustvokojesampodelilasaManjifikomi drugimmuzičarima. Osećala samse kao deo veoma uzbudljivog projekta.Madrugadas jeprelepapesmakojanosi nostalgiju glavnog junaka filma i sećanje na izgubljenu ljubav. Inače, svaki put kad sam dolazila u Beograd, bilo da sam radila u studiju ili nastupala na koncertu, bilo mi je divno – otkrila nam je Luz Kasal u razgovoru koji smo vodili predkoncert koji jenedavnoodržalaubeogradskomCentru Sava. Povod za ovaj susret sa beogradskompublikom bilo je predstavljanje njenog aktuelnog albuma Quecorrrael aire (2018), kao i novogkoncertnogprogramaosmišljenogpoputmuzičkog emocionalnogdnevnika.Utom„dnevniku“ zlatnim slovima ispisani su najznačajniji momenti iz karijere pevačice koja iza sebe ima 15 albuma prodatih u više od pet miliona primeraka i koja nosi nagradu Gremi za životno delo, francuski Ordenumetnosti iknjiževnosti, prestižnunagradu Goja, kao i ključeve grada Pariza i Madrida… – Trenutno je zamene najemotivnija pesma Lucas, s albuma Que corrra el aire. Posebna je zbog toga što govori o smrti deteta, stihovi reflektujumoja razmišljanja i osećanja o njemu, o njegovoj majci –priznala nam je Kasal. Međutim, njenamuzikanosi i bol lične tragedije. Pobedu nadrakomdojkeobeležila jeveoma intimnimalbumom Vida Toxica (2007), inspirisanim teškimhemoterapijama i „često bezizlaznimstanjima“. Muzika joj je, kako kaže, pomogla i tri godine kasnije, kada joj je ponovo dijagnostikovan rak, s kojim se izborila 2012. godine. Sada je na sceni jača nego ikad i ističe da svojim pesmama pokušava da pruži poruku nade i ohrabri ljude da uživaju u sitnicama. Muzika Luz Kasal više nema žanr, to je muzika sveta i nije joj važno da li se oslanja na latinoameričku tradiciju ili rok, da li klizi ka pop zvuku ili džezu – peva na različitim jezicima i jedino joj je bitno da podeli priču o ljubavi i bolu i snazi svakog malog čoveka na planeti. A što se tiče Visokih potpetica… – Setim se snimanja te dve pesme, neobuzdanih emocija jedne od glumica i divnog osećaja da zajedno radimo nešto stvarnodobro.UvekćubitizahvalnaPedruštomi jeverovao. I’LL BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL TOALMODÓVAR! The name of Spanish diva Luz Casal reverberated around the world with thesongsUnAñodeAmor andPiensaEnMi,whichmarked the lmHighHeels (1991), thecultcreationofPedroAlmodóvar.However, Serbiastill echoeswiththespecial emotionsof thesongMadrugadas (Dawns) from Dragan Bjelogrlić’s hit lm See You In Montevideo! (2014), for whichshecollaboratedwithSlovenianmusicianRobert Pešut, akaMagni co. “Workingonthemusic for SeeYou InMontevideo!wasawonderful experience that I sharedwithMagni coandothermusicians. I felt like I was part of averyexcitingproject.Madrugadas is abeautiful song that carries thenostalgia of the lm’s lead character and recollections of lost love. Otherwise, every time I’ve come to Belgrade – whether I’ve worked in a studio or performed in a concert – I’ve had awonderful time,” Casal revealed to us in this interview, conducted prior to her recent concert in Belgrade’s Sava Centre. Providingtheoccasion for thisencounterwiththeBelgradeaudiencewas thepresentingofher latestalbumfrom 2018, Que corrra el aire (Let The Air Flow), but also a new concert programme conceived to be like a musical emotional diary. Inscribed in gold letters in this “diary” are the mostsigni cantmoments fromthecareerof thissinger,who has amassed15albumswithsalesofmore than vemillion copiesandwhopossessesaGrammyLifetimeAchievement Award, the French Medal of Arts and Culture, the prestigious Goya Award, as well as the keys to the cities of Paris and Madrid... Written in red ink on its pages are lyrics to songs that, with her voice and music, lead straight to the heart, andeven to thehearts of thosewhodon’t speak the language in which they were written. And in some places, on certain pages in this “diary”, one can recognise the tracks of the tears that bring this Spanish diva even closer to her audiences. “Themost emotional song for me at present is Lucas, from the album Que corrra el aire. It’s special because it talks about the death of a child, with the verses re ecting my thoughts and feelings about him, about hismother,”Casal admitted tous. However, her music also carries the pain of personal tragedy. Her victory over breast cancer marked the very intimate 2007 album Vida Toxica (Toxic Life), inspired by heavy chemotherapy and “often inescapable conditions”. As she says, music also helped her three years later, when she was again diagnosedwith cancer, which she overcame in 2012. She’s nowmore powerful than ever on stage, and she emphasises that with her songs she attempts to o er a message of hope and encourage people to enjoy the little things in life. Luz’s music no longer belongs to a genre; it is music of the world and it doesn’t matter to her whether it is grounded in Latin American tradition or rock, whether it slides towards pop sounds or jazz. She sings in di erent languages and the only thing that’s important to her is to share the story of the love and pain and power of every“little person”on the planet. As for High Heels… “I remember recording those two songs, the unbridled emotions of one of the actresses and the wonderful feeling of doing something really good together. I will always be grateful to Pedro for believing in me.” ALMODOVARU I remember High Heels, the unbridled emotions of one of the actresses and the wonderful feeling of doing something really good together Setim se “Visokih potpetica”, neobuzdanih emocija jedne od glumica i divnog osećaja da zajedno radimo nešto sjajno