
104 | POVRATAKMARINE ABRAMOVIĆ MARINAABRAMOVIĆHOMECOMING RITAM ZEMLJE RHYTHM OFTHE COUNTRY Slavna Marina Abramović je za septembar najavila veliku retrospektivnu izložbu u Muzeju savremene umetnosti na Ušću. Biće to njena prva samostalna izložba u Beogradu još od davne 1975. godine, zbog čega se smatra velikim povratkom svetski priznate umetnice performansa u rodni grad. Izložba pod nazivom Čistač biće postavljena u samo sedam gradova u Evropi, a sadrži crteže, slike i instalacije nastale tokom cele karijere Marine Abramović, uključujući i period stvaranja u Beogradu, sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Celebrated performance artist Marina Abramović has announced a major retrospective exhibition to be held at Belgrade’s Museumof Contemporary Art at Ušće con uence in September. This will be her rst solo exhibition in Belgrade since way back in 1975, which is why it’s considered the great homecoming of this world-renowned performance artist. Under the title The Cleaner, this exhibition, which will appear in only seven European cities, comprises drawings, paintings and installations created throughout Abramović’s career, including her Belgrade creative period of the 1970s.