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Sports » Sport | 107 Majkl Džordan rođen je 17. februara 1963. i ove godine slavi 59. rođendan, dok je Kristijano Ronaldo na svet stigao 5. februara 1985. i puni 37 Michael Jordan was born on 17th February 1963 and this year celebrates his 59th birthday, while Cristiano Ronaldo was born on 5th February 1985 and turns 37 in 2022 Foto: Profimedia.rs / Martin Rickett / PA Images Ronaldo sport’sbest Aquarians It‘s not just horoscopes that connect Michael Jordan, one of the all-time greatest basketball players, and Cristiano Ronaldo, the grandmaster of footballing skill F e bruary ch i l dr en , k i ngs of t he court