
44 | Festival igre » Dance festival KULTURA / CULTURE Alias I Ženeva 23. i 24. mart | Beogradsko dramsko pozorište Grupa pojedinaca ulazi u proces, hipnotički privučena nevidljivom silom. Alegorija života u stalnom kretanju i transformaciji postaje progresivno manifestna… Kroz svoju najnoviju produkciju, koja nosi umirujući naslov Normalno, Đulijerme Boteljonas poziva da izaberemo metafizički pogled na čin padanja. Šta znači pasti? Da li to znači nestati ili prepustiti se? Da li je to zaljubiljivanje, prolaženje kroz poznati vrtlog uzbuđenja i osećanja? Uvek ovacijama ispraćen, švajcarski Alias stiže četvrti put na Beogradski festival igre. ALIAS, GENEVA A group of individuals tumble into renewal, drawn hypnotically by an invisible force. An allegory of life in constant movement and transformation becomes progressively manifest… In his new creation, which has the calming title “Normal”, Guilherme Botelho invites us to cast a metaphysical look at the act of falling. What does it mean to fall? Is it to die or to let go? Is it to fall in love, to traverse that familiar whirlwind of excitement and feelings? Always greeted with ovations, the Swiss Alias is this year coming to the Belgrade Dance Festival for the fourth time. 4 Zappala Danza I Katanija 25. mart | Madlenianum Autentičan komad posvećen Svetoj Agati, zaštitnici Katanije. Usvajajući ikonografsku estetiku, ali ne odustajući od svog izuzetno hrabrog i savremenog rečnika, koreograf Roberto Zapala govori o aktuelnim temama poput nasilja nad ženama, religioznog i ekonomskog fundamentalizma. Legenda kaže da je Agata odbila da se uda za gradskog sudiju, nakon čega su joj odsečene grudi, a zatim je pogubljena. ZAPPALADANZA, CATANIA An authentic piece dedicated to Saint Agatha, the patron saint of the Sicilian port of Catania. Adopting an iconographic aesthetic, but not giving up on his extremely courageous and modern language, choreographer Roberto Zappalà tackles current topics, such as violence against women and religious and economic fundamentalism. Legend has it that Agatha refused to get married to the city Proconsul, after which her breasts were cut off and she was executed. TanzMainz I Majnc 5. april | Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište Iako Šaron Ejal kaže da je Lanac duše komad o ljubavi i čežnji, ne treba očekivati previše romantike. Umesto toga, pokreti su životinjski i sirovi, a uzavrela grupa kreće se u vrhunskoj disciplini i ritmičkom jedinstvu. U kontrastu između grupe i pojedinca, Ejalova pokazuje svoju naklonost prema apsolutnoj jedinstvenosti svakog pojedinca. Iako TanzMainz prvi put gostuje u Beogradu, festivalska publika dobro poznaje opus Šaron Ejal, koja je jedna od laureata nagrade Jovan Ćirilov. TANZMAINZ, MAINZ Although Sharon Eyal says that “Soul Chain” is a piece about love and longing, you should not expect too much romance. Rather, themovements are animalistic and pure, a steaming group that moves in rhythmic unison with the highest discipline. So here, in the contrast between the group and the individual, Eyal expresses her love for the absolute uniqueness of each individual. Although it will be TanzMainz’s first time performing in Belgrade, the festival audience is well acquaintedwith Sharon Eyal’s opus, given that she is one of the laureates of the Jovan Ćirilov Award. Kompanija Magi Maren Sent Foa le Lion 8. april | Atelje 212 Zapetljani u čvor nastao od svihmuka našeg vremena: socijalnog nasilja, bučne nepravde, ratova, obespravljene nade, rezignacije i osećanja nemoći…Velika dama francuske savremene igreMagi Maren kreirala je Liniju grebena i stražujući Spinozinu i Marksovu filozofiju. Međutim, namera joj je bila da se pozabavi ovom temom iz zabavnijeg ugla, poput ludih alpinista koji, zahvaljujući svojoj izdržljivosti, radikalnomenjaju položaje i strategije. COMPAGNIEMAGUYMARIN, SAINTEFOY-LES-LYON Entangled in a knot made up of themany torments of our times: social violence, blaring injustice, wars, disenchanted hope, resignation and feelings of impotence… The great lady of French contemporary dance, MaguyMarin, created the “Ligne de Crête” by researching Spinoza’s philosophy and the philosophy of Marx. However, her intention was to approach this topic fromamore fun angle, likemad rock climbers who, thanks to their endurance, radically change their positions and strategies. Peeping Tom I Brisel 9 i 10. April | Madlenianum Diptih Vrata koja nedostaju i Napuštena soba likove zatiče u prostorijama iz kojih se nemože pobeći. Lutajući zastrašujućim lavirintomu potrazi za idealom, oni nose san i nadu. Njihov život se odvija između stvarnosti i zamišljenog. Gabrijela Karizo i Frank Šartije stvaraju uznemirujući, mračan i zatvoren svet, tipičan rukopis trupe Peeping Tom. Scenske promene odvijaju se pred očima publike i postaju deo predstave, ostavljajući utisak živemontaže vrhunskog horora. PEEPING TOM, BRUSSELS In the diptych: “Themissing door” and “The Lost Room”, several characters evolve in spaces fromwhich they cannot escape. Wandering through amacabre labyrinth, they seek an ideal, bringing a dreamand hope. The characters live between reality andwhat’s imagined. Gabriela Carrizo and Franck Chartier create a disturbing, dark and enclosedworld – typical to the work of Peeping Tom. The changes of scenery between the pieces are carried out in plain sight and become an integral part of the performance, as if it were a livemontage of superb horror. 1 3 2 5 BEOGR ADSK I F EST I VA L I GRE PUN I 1 8 GOD I NA Poslastica za sve ljubitelje igre NA 18. FESTIVALU IGRE, PLANIRANOM OD 18. MARTA do 14. aprila 2021. godine, biće održano 18 predstava izvođača iz celog sveta. Beogradski festival igre slavi 18. rođendan i donosi glavni program koji je do koske hrabar, suludo zanimljiv i odvažno zreo, baš po meri festivalskog punoletstva. Mi smo izabarli pet predstava koje ne biste smeli da propustite.