
66 | NEŽNI DIV IZ BERNA On je nežni div. Pas sa osmehom. Isti kao bernandinac, ali manji, tako ga opisuju. Da, reč je o bernskom planinskom psu, koji se već vekovima uzgaja u podnožju Alpa u okolini Berna. Pripada skupini velikih pasa i veoma starih pasmina, a svoje poreklo, kao što mu i ime kaže, vuče iz Švajcarske. Najpre je počeo da se uzgaja kao čuvar stada i gonič stoke. Iako je danas najčešće voljeni kućni ljubimac, nadaleko je poznat i kao pas čuvar, pas za vuču i spasilac ljudi iz ruševina i lavina. U nekim istorijskim spisima pominje se da je ovaj pas još u rimskoj vojsci korišćen kao borbeni div koji je unosio nemir u neprijateljske redove. U njegovoj zemlji porekla veruje se da je bernski planinski pas već 2.000 godina verni pratilac poljoprivrednika. Pre nešto više od dva veka više od trećine Švajcaraca bavilo se poljoprivredom i ovaj pas uvek im je bio veran pomagač, gonič i čuvar stada. Godine 1889. želeli su da sačuvaju i održe ovu pasminu, pa je osnovan prvi kljub ljubitelja i odgajivača ove rase i drugih autohtonih rasa koje imaju Bern u svom nazivu. Ovaj pas je svoje stare karakteristike zadržao u karakteru, pa i danas marljivo vodi računa o svima u domaćinstvu – ljudima i ostalim životinjama. A ako imate bernskog planinskog psa, već znate da se psi i mačke veoma lepo slažu. I inače spada u najdruželjubivije rase na svetu. Veoma je lojalan, plemenit i sa posebnom nežnošću se odnosi prema deci. Inteligentan je, lako uči trikove, smiren je i nimalo agresivan. Međutim, ako zatreba, svoje će braniti životom. Iako izgleda tromo, veoma je okretan i veselog karaktera. 10 GENTLEGIANTFROMBERN He is a gentle giant. A dog with a smile. The same as a St. Bernard only smaller, as it is described. Yes, we’re talking about the Bernese Mountain Dog, which has been bred for centuries in the foothills of the Swiss Alps around the city of Bern. It belongs to the group of large and very old breeds of sheep dogs, and their origins, as the name suggests, is drawn from Switzerland. It was initially bred as a protector of herders and dairymen. Despite today being most often a beloved pet, it is also widely renowned as a guard dog, a sled dog and a rescuer of people from collapsed buildings and avalanches. Some historical records mention that this dog was used as far back as the time of the Roman army as a ghting giant that brought disorder to enemy ranks. In its country of origin, it is believed that the Bernese Mountain Dog has been a companion of local farmers for 2,000 years. Just over two centuries ago, more than a third of Swiss people were engaged in agriculture, and this dog was always their loyal helper, herder and protector of the herd. In 1889, out of a desire to preserve and maintain this breed, the rst club was formed for lovers and breeders of this and other indigenous breeds named after Bern. This breed has retained its old characteristics in its character, so even today it industriously takes care of everyone in the household – including people and all other animals. And if you have a Bernese Mountain Dog, you already know that dogs and cats can get on very well. And this breed is also among the most gregarious in the world. Very loyal and noble, it is particularly gentle in relations with children. These are very intelligent dogs that easily learn tricks and are stable, calm and unaggressive. However, if needed, he will defend his people with his life. Although they look sluggish, these are very active dogs with a cheerful character. iStock / antares71