
Belgrade » Beograd | 67 Brajan Feri, Centar Sava, 16. jul 2006. Čekajte, zar nismo rekli pet koncerata? Jesmo, ali može valjda i ova lista da ima bar jedan bis, kao što imaju koncerti. I pošto su bisevi kratki, reći ću samo ovo: gledali smo Ferija kako peva Let’s Stick Together . Kraj! BRYAN FERRY , SAVACENTRE, 16TH JULY 2006 Hold on, didn’t we say five concerts? Yes we did, but I guess this list can have at least one encore, just like concerts do. And since encores are short, I’ll just say this: we watched Ferry sing Let’s Stick Together. The end! Elton Džon, Hala Pionir, 18. april 1984. Čudo od koncerta! Nažalost, beogradska publika pokazala se razmaženom, pa je Pionir bio poluprazan. Elton se na to nije obazirao. Svirao je i pevao kao da je na punom stadionu. Tri i po decenije kasnije revanširao nam se na loš način: u pristojno posećenoj Areni održao je mlitav i beskrvan koncert. Ali to je već neka druga priča. ELTON JOHN, PIONIR HALL, 18TH APRIL 1984 A wonder of a concert! Unfortunately, the Belgrade audience proved to be spoiled, so Pionir Hall was half empty. Elton paid no attention to that fact. He played and sang as though he were in a packed stadium. Three and a half decades later, he retaliated against us in a bad way: giving a lacklustre and cold-blooded concert in well-attended Arena. But that’s another story. Bo Didli, Hala Pionir, 28. februar 1984. Kada je Bo Didli izašao na binu i kada je krenula grmljavina iz njegove famozne četvrtaste gitare, Pionir , taj hram loše akustike i iste takve atmosfere, najednom se pretvorio u strašno stecište energije, u mesto na kom se vrela para diže direktno iz đavolskih kazana i na kom svi tonovi prašte na pravi način. Bilo je to veče istinskog, uzbudljivog, sirovog rokenrola, koji je, da uzgred kažem, u sebi oduvek imao mnogo više romantike nego „novi romantizam“, aktuelan upravo u vreme Didlijevog beogradskog koncerta. BODIDDLEY, PIONIR HALL, 28TH FEBRUARY 1984 When Bo Diddley emerged on stage, and when thunder started emanating from his famous square guitar, Pionir Hall, that temple of bad acoustics and the same kind of atmosphere, suddenly turned into a terrifying confluence of energy, a place where hot steam rises directly from the devil’s cauldron, and where all tones collide in the right way. It was an evening of true, exciting, raw rock’n’roll, which, by the way, has always had within it much more romance than “new romanticism”, which was current at the time of Diddley’s Belgrade concert.