
New York » Njujork | 43 This famous Beatle lives eternally in New York, the city that had the honour of seeing its love for him requited Čuveni član Bitlsa je zauvek živ u Njujorku, gradu koji je imao čast damu ljubav bude uzvraćena Smith’s Bar 701 8th Avenue (W.44th Street) Pričalo se da je Lenon voleo hamburgere u Smith’s Baru na Osmoj aveniji. S obzirom na to da je blizu studija, nije teško poverovati da je Džon posle kasnih noćnih snimanja tamo odlazio da jede. Ipak, otkako je lokal pre nešto manje od 20 godina promenio vlasnika, niko ne zna pravu priču o Lenonovom izboru hamburgera. It is said that Lennon loved hamburgers at Smith’s Bar on Eighth Avenue. Given that it is close to the studio, it’s not difficult to believe that John went there to eat after late nights recording. However, the fact that the ownership of this bar changed hands just less than 20 years ago, no one knows the real story of Lennon’s choice of burger. Dakota 1West 72nd Street Lenonova konačna rezidencija jemesto gde je Eni Libovic fotografisala svoju kultnu naslovnicu Roling Stouna iz 1981. godine. Fotografija je snimljena samo nekoliko sati pre nego što je Džon ubijen. Bila je to jedna od retkih situacija u kojima je Lenon odlučio da pusti fotografa u svoj dom; bila je i poslednja. Tu je, pred Dakotom, na ulici grada koji je obožavao i ubijen. Pre tačno 40 godina. Tog 8. decembra 1980. ludakMark DejvidČepmen, samo nekoliko sati pre nego će Lenonu pucati u leđa, od Džona je dobio autogram. Držao je Selindžerovog Lovca u raži u ruci i mirno čekao policiju, dok je jedan od najvoljenijihmuzičara svih vremena ležaomrtav na pločniku. Lennon’s final residence is where photographer Annie Leibovitz shot her cult Rolling Stone cover photo from 1981. The photowas taken just hours before Johnwasmurdered. That was one of the rare occasions that he allowed a photographer to enter his home; it was also the last time. It was there, in front of the Dakota, on a street in the city that he adored, that hewas killed. Exactly 40 years ago, on 8th December 1980, madmanMark DavidChapman had received an autograph from John just hours before he shot him. He held a copy Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye and calmly awaited the arrival of the police, while one of themost belovedmusicians of all time lay dead on the pavement. Central Park, Strawberry Fields Central ParkWest – 71st and 74th Street Nedaleko od Dakote nalazi se Polje jagoda u Central parku, mesto koje je Lenon često posecivao. Posvećenomu je 9. oktobra 1985, na 45. godišnjicu rođenja. Tu se nalazi crno-beli mozaik sa jednom rečju – Imagine. Među brestovima, namestu punom turista, uvek vlada neobična tišina dok obožavaoci čoveka koji nikada neće biti zaboravljen zastaju damu ostave pisma. Not far from the Dakota is Central Park’s Strawberry Fields, a place that Lennon visited often. This spot was formally dedicated as amemorial to himon 9th October 1985, the 45th anniversary of his birth. It has a black andwhitemosaic containing a single word - Imagine. Among elm trees, in a place packedwith tourists, an unusual silence always reigns while adoring fans of thisman who will never be forgotten stop to leave letters to him.